Nikita Mirzani Says Children Start Talking and Apologizing: I’m Sorry Ami


Nikita Mirzani’s son (17) is currently staying in a safe house. Nikita Mirzani recounted the condition of her daughter, who fought hard when she was brought home from the apartment.

“It’s safe; he’s still in the safe house. Earlier today, he received books to read and study because he happens to be a very intelligent child with the highest IQ,” said Nikita Mirzani at Polda Metro Jaya on Thursday (3/10/2024).

Even though they haven’t met in person, Nikita Mirzani continues to keep track of her child’s development. She monitors her daughter’s condition through a psychiatrist who is assisting her in the safe house.



“Usually, they are the ones who report on how things are going (referring to their child’s name) because, no matter what, they remain shocked by the current situation. Perhaps he needs to adapt to a new environment,” she said.

Nikita mentioned that she was happy to hear her child was able to express apology.

“I spoke a little with L; he said, ‘I’m so sorry, Ami, for what I did,’ that’s what he said,” Nikita Mirzani shared.

“Maybe gradually he will realize that he made the wrong choices, reached out to the wrong people, and was approached by the wrong individuals. Now he has been contemplating that for the last two years or so; the people he sought help from were the wrong ones,” she continued.

This situation has made Nikita Mirzani feel grateful. She hopes that in the future, her communication with her children will improve.

Nikita Mirzani believes her child recognizes her struggles as a mother. She said that her son is still undergoing recovery and treatment.

“Because this is still in the treatment phase; it is indeed treatment. Psychiatrists and psychologists are present every day, and they are also assisting with the protection of women and children,” she elaborated.

Nikita Mirzani has reported Vadel Badjideh, her son’s girlfriend, after bringing her son back from the apartment.

Nikita Mirzani’s report is registered under number LP/B/2811/IX/2024/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKSEL/POLDA METRO JAYA. Nikita reported Vadel Badjideh in relation to the Child Protection Crimes Law Number 35 of 2014 regarding amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 on Child Protection, as outlined in Article 76d of Law 35/2014 and/or 77 A in conjunction with 45 A and/or 421 of the Criminal Code, alongside Article 60 of Law No. 17 of 2023 regarding Health and/or Article 346 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 81.

Watch the video ‘Latest Condition of Nikita Mirzani LM’s Child, Still in Safe House’:

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Latest Update on Nikita Mirzani’s Son in Safe House

Jakarta – Nikita Mirzani’s son (17) is currently being kept in a safe house. Recently, she described the condition of her child, mentioning that when he was brought home from the apartment, he fought hard to cope with the transition.

“It’s safe; he’s still in the safe house. Earlier today, he was sent books to read and study because he happens to be a very smart child with the highest IQ,” said Nikita Mirzani at Polda Metro Jaya on Thursday (3 /10/2024).

Monitoring Child’s Development

Although they haven’t met in person since the transition, Nikita continues to monitor her child’s development closely. “I am in touch with the psychiatrist who accompanies my child in the safe house,” she explained.



Adapting to New Environment

Nikita shared that her child is still adjusting to the new environment. “They convey how things are going, and it’s clear that the incident has left its mark,” she noted. “He is beginning to realize that he made some poor choices in the past.”

Expressing Remorse

Nikita mentioned a conversation with her son, where he expressed remorse: “I talked to him a little; he said, ‘I’m so sorry, Ami, for what I did.'” She reflected on this as a positive sign of his awareness and growth.

Plans for the Future

Nikita Mirzani is optimistic about her relationship with her children and aims for effective communication moving forward. “I believe my child sees my struggles as a mother, and we will navigate this journey together,” she commented.

Psychological Support and Treatment

Nikita emphasized that her son is currently undergoing recovery and treatment. “This is a treatment phase, with psychiatric and psychological assistance being provided,” she explained.

Legal Matters and Child Protection

Nikita Mirzani has taken legal action by reporting Vadel Badjideh, the girlfriend of her son, after he was taken home from the apartment. Her report, registered with the number LP/B/2811/IX/2024/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKSEL/POLDA METRO JAYA, addresses Child Protection according to Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

Video Updates

To stay updated on Nikita Mirzani’s son, watch the latest condition in the video below:

Watch the video ‘Latest Condition of Nikita Mirzani LM’s Child, Still in Safe House’:
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