What is celebrated this October 1 | Society | The Magazine

Every October 1st commemorates an anniversary and the anniversary of several historical events. What is commemorated on a day like today?

Hall Day

In 1993, during the government of Sixto Durán Ballén, it was established that October 1 would be consecrated as Ecuadorian Corridor Day. This is because on that day the most important musical exponent of the genre, Julio Jaramillo, was born.

El Ruiseñor de América recorded countless songs of all genres, although there are songs that have transcended over the years, such as El alma en los libros.

In 2012, the process began to declare the hall as cultural heritage. The Ecuadorian corridor, on November 26, 2018, was incorporated into the representative list of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ecuador.

International Coffee Day

International Coffee Day is celebrated on October 1, with the aim of paying tribute to coffee, one of the most consumed and popular drinks in the world. It is also an opportunity to promote more sustainable coffee practices and to make visible the difficult situation of coffee producers in the world.

World Gaucher Syndrome Day

In the world, it is estimated that more than 300 million people suffer from some of the diseases considered rare, one of these is Gaucher syndrome, which affects one in every 60,000 people.

This disease is characterized by causing abnormal growth of the liver, spleen, as well as bone weakness and abnormal growth involvement. This is because it is a hereditary genetic disorder that is caused by the deficiency of an enzyme and the cells do not have the normal capacity to break down fat, which is why it accumulates in the organs.

The Ecuadorian Foundation for Patients with Lysosomal Storage Diseases (FEPEL – DASHA) pointed out that one of the problems is diagnosis. For its president, Eliecer Quispe Fray, the challenges now involve making the disease visible, demanding the incorporation of effective public policies focused on early diagnosis, patient registration and the delivery of adequate treatment.

International Day of Older Persons

In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.

Previously, there were other initiatives that were adopted at the World Assembly on Aging in 1982 and that the United Nations General Assembly approved that same year. In 1991, the General Assembly (by resolution 46/91) adopted the United Nations Principles for Older Persons.

For this year the objective is to raise awareness about the human rights of this population group as well as to share and learn the different intergenerational models for the protection of human rights around the world.

Anniversaries of October 1:

1918: In Syria, within the scope of the First World War, Arab forces ―under the command of TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)― capture Damascus.

1920: In Basra (Iraq), Percy Cox lands to assume his responsibilities as High Commissioner for Iraq.

1928: The Soviet Union introduces the Five-Year Plan.

1931: In Spain, the Constitution of the Second Republic recognizes universal suffrage, granting the right to vote to women.

1931: The George Washington Bridge opens between New York and New Jersey.

1936: In Burgos (Spain), Francisco Franco is appointed head of state by the national side.

1938: Germany begins the annexation of the Sudetenland during the Sudetenland Crisis.

1941: Opening of the Majdanek concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager Lublin), later an extermination camp, in occupied Poland.

1942: The American ship USS Grouper torpedoes and sinks the ship Lisbon Maru without knowing that it was carrying British prisoners from Hong Kong.

1942: First flight of the Bell XP-59 “Airacomet”.

1943: In Italy, Allied forces invade Naples.

1944: Soviet troops enter Yugoslavia.


1946: At the Nuremberg Trials (which began on November 20, 1945), the leaders of Nazism are sentenced; Twelve are sentenced to death and three to life imprisonment.

1947: The F-86 Saber fighter aircraft flies for the first time.

1949: Mao Zedong proclaims the People’s Republic of China.

1954: The liberation war against the French imperialists begins in Algeria.

1958: The NASA space agency is inaugurated in the United States.

1960: Nigeria becomes independent from the British Empire.

1961: Eastern and Western Cameroons join together to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon.

1961: 101 meters underground, in area U3aa of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 1:30 p.m. (local time) the United States detonates its Boomer atomic bomb , 0.1 kt. It is bomb #199 of 1,129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.

1961: In the United States, the CTV Television Network channel begins its daily broadcasts.

1963: In Honduras, democratic president Ramón Villeda Morales is overthrown by a military coup led by Oswaldo López Arellano.

1964: The Shinkansen (bullet train) train is inaugurated between Tokyo and Osaka.

1965: In Indonesia, General Suharto carries out a coup d’état.

1966: West Coast Airlines Flight 956 crashes in Wemme (Oregon). It is the first tragedy involving a DC-9.

1969: The Concorde breaks the sound barrier for the first time.

1969: In the U3hk3 area of ​​the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:30 (local time) the United States detonates three atomic bombs in three different holes at 118 meters underground: Seaweed-1, Seaweed-2 and Seaweed-3, less than 20 kt each. They are bombs #638, 639 and 640 of the 1,129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.

1971: Walt Disney World opens its doors in Orlando (Florida).

1971: The first computed axial tomography (CAT) is performed to diagnose a patient.

1975: In Spain, an attack against 4 police officers is the first action of the GRAPO.

1975: The Seychelles islands become independent from the British Empire.

1975: In Manila (Philippines) Muhammad Ali defeats Joe Frazier in a boxing match.

1978: Tuvalu becomes independent from the United Kingdom.

1978: The Voltaic Revolutionary Communist Party is founded in Upper Volta.

1979: The United States returns sovereignty over the Panama Canal to Panama.

1981: 472 m underground, in Area U12p.03 of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 11:00 (local time) the United States detonates its bomb atomic Beating, 38 kt. It is bomb #964 of 1,129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.

1982: In the Federal Republic of Germany, the Christian Democrat Helmut Kohl succeeds the Social Democrat Helmut Schmidt.

1982: Sony launches its first compact disc player (model CDP-101).

1983: The countries of the Andean Pact approve Peru’s plan for Bolivia to achieve an exit to the sea using Peruvian ports.

1985: In Tunisia, Israeli air forces attack PLO headquarters. 50 people are killed and 100 injured in this air attack.

1987: Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka, after carrying out a coup d’état, proclaims himself president of Fiji, which 15 days later will be expelled from the British Commonwealth of Nations.

1988: In Moscow, Mikhail Gorbachev is unanimously elected head of the Soviet State.

1989: Denmark is the first country to recognize same-sex unions.

1990: In Chile, the 24 Hours news program begins broadcasting on TVN.

1991: In Alma Ata (Kazakhstan), the leaders of 12 Soviet republics agree to establish an economic community of sovereign states, with the reservation of Latvia.

1992: In the United States, the Senate approves START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty).

1992: In the United States, the Turner Broadcasting company launches Cartoon Network.

1993: MTV Latin America begins its broadcasts.

1994: Palau becomes independent from the United States.

1994: In a branch of the Order of the Solar Temple sect in Morin Heights (near Quebec, Canada), Emmanuel Dutoit, a three-month-old baby son of a member of the sect, is murdered. The baby was stabbed repeatedly with a wooden stake on the orders of French Rosicrucian Joseph di Mambro (1924-1994), who claimed that the baby was the Antichrist described in the New Testament, who had been born within his group to prevent Di Mambro was successful in his spiritual journey.

1996: The UN Security Council definitively lifts the sanctions on Yugoslavia, imposed in 1992 and 1993 due to the Bosnian war.

1996: The interview between Benjamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat is held in Washington DC, with Bill Clinton as mediator, devalued by the absence of Hosni Mubarak.

1998: Vladimir Putin becomes a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

2003: The 4chan page is created.

2004: In Doha, the Asian Olympic Council approves the anti-doping regulations that will apply to the Asian Games and any other sporting event in Asia.[2]

2005: In Bali, a bomb kills 19 people.

2005: The Santa Ana Volcano erupts in El Salvador.

2015: In the Santa Catarina Pinula municipality, 6 km east of La Aurora airport (in the south of Guatemala City), at 10:00 p.m. an avalanche crushes 125 houses, leaving about 100 dead and 600 missing. (Tragedy of El Cambray II).

2016: In Spain, Pedro Sánchez resigns as general secretary of the PSOE.[3]

2016: The International Monetary Fund officially recognizes the Chinese yuan as a reserve currency, by including it in the basket of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).[4]

2017: In Catalonia, an independence referendum is held, considered illegal after being suspended by the Constitutional Court.[5][6][7]

2017: At a concert in Las Vegas, United States of America, a shooting occurs, leaving 59 dead and 851 injured. It is the largest massacre in the country since the attacks of September 11, 2001.

2018: The International Court of Justice in The Hague rules in favor of Chile in the maritime claim by Bolivia in the dispute over the second country’s access to the sea.




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