Ferrara prostitution trial from lawyer to witness La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara Il plot twist arrived at the end of the hearing, when it became clear that one of the defense lawyers it could also be one of the key witnesses. And who therefore put his mandate back “live”, with the consequent interruption of the hearing and postponement of the trial.

The case dates back to 2015 and sees two Uruguayan women (Daniela Mariquesan and Fernandez Sandra) accused of exploitation of prostitution to the detriment of one of their compatriots. The same one who was heard as the offended party yesterday in front of the college. Responding to questions from the public prosecutor Alberto Savino, the woman told of having been brought to Italy by one of the two accused with the promise of honest work. Once at her destination, however, her documents were stolen and she was forced into prostitution to repay the travel debt. An order she had to obeyed out of fearbecause his children, he said, had remained in Uruguay and the families of his exploiters were feared in their homeland, circumstances about which the defendants would have made not too veiled allusions. The woman had therefore practiced prostitution for about twenty days in Ferrara, before being transferred to Bologna, where she continued for another year, handing over 200 to 250 euros of the earnings which were divided among the accused. All this until she couldn’t redeem yourselfalso thanks to the generous help of one of the customers who had paid the due sum of 40 thousand euros. After four years of tranquilityhowever, the woman she had turned again to one of her exploiters and she had returned to prostitution «for just one week – he admitted – because my husband was a drug addict and unemployed and we needed money immediately».

The deterioration of marital relations was the fuse that he had lit the investigation for exploitation of prostitution: the woman had reported her husband for mistreatment and the man, aware of her past, had revealed to the investigators that his wife had prostituted herself. Hence the investigations by the Ferrara Flying Squad on the suspected exploitation activity which had taken place first in Ferrara and then in Bologna. Where, among other things, the woman’s passport had been returned by the defendants, to apply for political asylum. And it is at this point that it emerged (among other things on a question from the defence) that It was the lawyer of one of the accused who accompanied her to the police station for the paperwork. A few seconds of disbelief and inevitable embarrassment, and the lawyer was quick to declare that she would remit her mandate, because at this point, as the court pointed out, she could end up straight on the list of testimony.



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