The maxi-dossier against the League revealed by ends in Strasbourg –

The dossier scandal and the scoops of Time they end at Council of Europe in the Strasbourg chamber. The representative of the League Marco Dreostoin his speech, explains that “not in Putin’s Russia, not in communist China or in the Iran of the ayatollahs, but in Italy” there has been “a serious and arming short circuit”, he states in the session dedicated to information and freedom of the press.


“I am referring to the case of the so-called dossierthat is, one illegal and abusive collection of information against political exponents and parties which was filtered ad compliant press organs and who then used them to alter the political debate. My party, the Lega he was the first target of this dossier which provoked journalistic and tabloid investigations often invented or used at critical moments to denigrate the work of our movement and our secretary Matteo Salvini“, states the representative of the Northern League in reference to the “verminaio” which is being investigated by the Perugia prosecutor’s office Raffaele Cantone on illegal access to state databases to discredit centre-right exponents and well-known figures in “friendly” newspapers.

In the sights of spies: this is how the dossier on the 49 million to the League was born

The League is the party most affected, as demonstrated by the case of 49 million assembled thanks to the dossiers of Pasquale Striano & co. as written today by Time. Dreosto states bluntly in front of his EU colleagues that this is “one of the biggest scandals in our recent republican history but which, unfortunately, too many newspapers are forgetting, and too easily. Here in this important debate in the Council of Europe on freedom of information I would like to applaud the Italian newspapers and media which instead of putting their heads in the sand are investigating what happened” demonstrating that they are not part of that “rotten and anti-democratic system”, states the ‘exponent of the Northern League who dedicates a passage to our newspaper: “I would like to publicly thank a newspaper, Timethan with its director Tommaso Cerno does not stop talking about it and denouncing it every day, even at the risk of being denigrated, excluded or discredited”. “Thanks to these newspapers and journalists with their backs straight”, he concludes, it is thanks to them “that the freedom of information it can still be a bulwark of our countries.”

We missed the Romanzo Viminale

#maxidossier #League #revealed #Tempo #ends #Strasbourg #Tempo
2024-10-03 05:31:25



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