Tomorrow (October 1) the renovation of Jan Kazimierz in Nieporęt starts. Temporary traffic organization will be implemented (update)

From Tuesday (October 1), at the request of the Masovian Provincial Roads Authority in Warsaw, MABAU Sp. z o. o. will begin the renovation of Jana Kazimierza Street in the center of Nieporęt. Drivers driving along Jana Kazimierza Street (DW 633) in Nieporęt on a daily basis must expect difficulties because temporary traffic organization will be introduced.

– Dear Residents, from October 1, 2024, in connection with the planned renovation of provincial road No. 633 (ul. Jana Kazimierza) in Nieporęt, temporary traffic organization will be implemented. Therefore, on the section of Jana Kazimierza Street, from ul. Dworcowa to ul. Szkolna, traffic disruptions may occur. – The Nieporęt Commune Office announced on Monday (September 30) morning.

The current restrictions will consist of 3 local road narrowings from. 1.0 to 1.5 m in length 20 m each.

Let us remind you that renovation works on Jana Kazimierza Street (DW 633) in Nieporęt will be carried out by MABAU Sp. on behalf of the Masovian Voivodeship Road Administration in Warsaw. z o. o., which will carry out this task for a little over PLN 5.2 million gross.

Investment scope

The aim of the above investment is the renovation of provincial road No. 633 (ul. Jana Kazimierza) from km 14+200 to km 15+690 in Nieporęt (from the railway viaduct to the intersection with Adama Mickiewicza street).

As part of the renovation of DW 633 in Nieporęt, the following is planned:

  • Performing cold corrective milling of asphalt surfaces with the required transverse and longitudinal slopes on the road,
  • Performing a leveling layer with a mineral-asphalt mixture, along with cleaning and sprinkling the base with asphalt emulsion before laying the asphalt concrete base,
  • Execution of a binding layer with the addition of polymer asphalt, along with cleaning and sprinkling the bituminous base surface with asphalt emulsion before laying the binding layer,
  • Preparation of a wearing course with the addition of polymer asphalt, along with cleaning and sprinkling the surface with asphalt emulsion before laying the wearing course,
  • Installation of horizontal road markings with thick-layer, chemically hardened materials,
  • Dismantling and re-laying the surface of concrete cubes on cement and sand ballast on the sidewalk and exits,
  • Replacement of prefabricated concrete paving slabs,
  • Renovation of the “PKP Nieporęt” bus bay,
  • Renovation of storm sewage systems using the trenchless method.

Renovation works on Jana Kazimierza Street will last several months.

Update: 01/10/2024:

– MZDW, as an investor, informs that, first of all, preparatory work will be carried out in the scope of renovation of the rainwater canal as part of the task “Renovation of provincial road 633 from km 14+200 to km 15+690 in the Nieporęt commune, Legionowo poviat”. Therefore, on the section – from the intersection of ul. Zamkowa from ul. Jan Kazimierza to the roundabout. Jana Pawła II in Nieporęt (1.5 km), temporary traffic organization will apply. The road will be passable, but there may be difficulties due to local road narrowing (3 places, 20 m long each, narrowing by 1-1.5 m). Road works will last until the end of the year. – provided by the Nieporęt Commune Office in an afternoon announcement on Monday (September 30).



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