PK Mardani Maming Strictly Monitored, KY Until MA Letter

Judicial Commission Building. (Doc KY)

The Judicial COMMISSION (KY) wrote to the Supreme Court (MA) to monitor the judicial review (PK) trial filed by mining business permit (IUP) corruption convict Mardani H Maming. This letter was given to prevent violations of the code of ethics of the Supreme Court panel of judges.

“As a preventive measure so that the panel of judges does not violate the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Judges (KEPPH), KY has taken the initiative to write to the Supreme Court Leadership as a form of monitoring the trial,” said Judicial Commission (KY) spokesperson Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata, Monday (30/9) .

Mukti said that KY would take a firm stance if it found alleged violations of the Code of Ethics and KEPPH in the Mardani Maming PK process. KY will deploy an investigation team to investigate further if violations of the code of ethics and KEPPH are found in the Mardani Maming PK process.

Also read: PK Mardani Maming Allegedly Not Neutral, KY Must Intervene

“In its development, if KY finds suspected KEPPH violations, KY will deploy an investigation team to carry out further investigations. “Until now, the PK panel of judges is still conducting an examination, there has been no decision regarding this case,” he said.

The court of first instance has found Mardani Maming guilty and must serve 10 years in prison and a fine of IDR 500 million. The former chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) was proven to have received bribes for the issuance of a Decree on the Transfer of IUP OP from PT BKPL to PT PCN. This was done when Mardani Maming served as Regent of Tanah Bumbu.

The panel of judges chaired by Heru Kuntjoro also imposed an additional penalty of paying compensation for state losses amounting to IDR 110.6 billion with provisions. If they don’t pay, their property will be confiscated and auctioned off, or replaced with two years in prison.

Also read: Supreme Court Explains Reasons for Not Responding to KY Recommendations Regarding Ronald Tannur Case

Dissatisfied with the decision of the Banjarmasin Corruption Court, Mardani Maming submitted an appeal to the Banjarmasin High Court (PT). The panel of judges led by Gusrizal actually increased Mardani’s prison sentence to 12 years.

Then, Mardani Maming filed an appeal to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Justice Suhadi accompanied by Supreme Court Justice Agustinus Purnomo Hadi and Supreme Court Justice Suharto rejected the appeal.

The Supreme Court panel of judges also sentenced Mardani Maming to pay compensation of Rp. 110.6 billion, subsidiary to four years in prison. Mardani Maming’s name emerged again after he was caught secretly registering a PK on June 6 2024. The PK submitted by Mardani H Maming was number 784/PAN.PN/W15-U1/HK2.2/IV/2024.

Reporting from the Supreme Court Registrar’s page, Mardani Maming’s PK application is registered with case number: 1003 PK/Pid.Sus/2024. PK Mardani H Maming has the status of an examination process by the Supreme Court panel of judges. (

#Mardani #Maming #Strictly #Monitored #Letter



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