“The wide field is no longer there” –

Mira Brunello

Giuseppe Conte obviously puts the final word. The leader of the M5S, yesterday at Porta a Porta with Bruno Vespa, draws the conclusions of a very agitated season: «It is clear that at the moment in which we say that a wound has opened, with this explosive bomb» represented by the leader of Iv Matteo Renzi «that is put in this broad field that no longer exists – we certify it now – and from the Democratic Party and its secretary Schlein we have the answer “I don’t engage in controversy”, then there is something wrong. There is no awareness on the part of the current leadership of the Democratic Party that we are posing a serious problem.”

In short, a real declaration of war, which broke out due to the involvement of Italia Viva in the alliance, but which directly affected the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein. A shock that inevitably shatters the alliance plans planned for the autumn regional elections, in addition to Liguria, also Umbria and Emilia Romagna. And precisely in the region governed until yesterday by Stefano Bonaccini, Matteo Renzi confirms: «We are already there. We will present our candidates, with our symbol.” Exactly what the M5S prevented in Liguria, with the veto of the dem Andrea Orlando from welcoming the centrist list into coalition, with within it exponents of Italia Viva who were not openly declared. The story of a love that never blossomed between Elly and Giuseppi, even though in the early days he tried in every way to impose himself. The privileged model of the former Prime Minister was inevitably the Sardinian one, he decides the candidate, the Nazarene collects the votes. Otherwise, the alliance is called into question, which happens in Basilicata, where in the end the center-right candidate prevails. The most optimistic hoped to have closed the conflict with the results of the European elections, with the Democratic Party ahead and the M5S trailing by many points. Only a few weeks of tranquility and the hostilities instead start again with the match of the heart in mid-July, that passage of the former mayor of Florence, which Conte really doesn’t like. The rest is history these days, the parliamentary vote on the Rai Board of Directors, with the M5S taking over the councilor Alessandro Di Majo, and the Democratic Party taking refuge in the Aventine, the Ligurian crescendo, resolved with a diktat from Giuseppe Conte, just at the expiry of the presentation of the lists. The president of the Dem senators, Francesco Boccia, tries to react: «The broad camp has never existed, the center-left exists and the Democratic Party exists which, having obtained 24% in the last European elections, feels the responsibility of leading an alternative political process on its shoulders to the right.” Which is like saying to Campo Marzio (Roman headquarters of the movement), respect the hierarchies. From the Porta a Porta studies, another important exponent of the Nazarene, the deputy Marco Furfaro, also responds to Conte: «Every time the opposition splits , celebrate the government. When Conte says he doesn’t vote with the Democratic Party, I get sad, I think Giorgia Meloni is happy.

You can’t decide in a television lounge whether to form an alliance or not, the voters decide that, you can’t use the territories to wage a political battle.” Yet this is exactly what will happen in the next few days, in the Regions that will vote between the end of October and November. Renzian Maria Elena Boschi reminds us of this by putting her finger on the wound: «We are in the council with Bonaccini, we had our symbol at the regional elections in support of Bonaccini and we will do it with De Pascale, who is our candidate, together with the Democratic Party, in the next elections regional”. Instead, the proposal from Forza Italia group leader in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri to think about changing its name: «The wide field is increasingly a graveyard. Conte certifies that this grouping against the center-right no longer exists, only a sum of resentments remains.”

#wide #field #longer #Tempo
2024-10-02 19:58:40



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