Bayer presents Preceon, its new corn cultivation system – Phytoma

Bayer has presented Preceon, a corn cultivation system that is based on a new generation of short corn hybrids (Smart corn) (30% shorter) and an integrated production system that combines the FieldView digital tool and personalized recommendations , with the aim that the farmer can increase crop yield and optimize resource management.

“Farmers need new ways to produce more food, addressing the challenges of climate change and meeting regulatory and consumer requirements,” said Protasio Rodríguez, CEO of Bayer Crop Science. To help them with these challenges, the company has developed Preceon, with a completely new approach and technology that increases yield without the need to increase water, fertilizers or crop protection inputs.

During the field visit, the particularities of this new cultivation system were explained through three stations: genetic, agronomic and digital. In the first station, the genetics of this new generation of corn hybrids have been explained, which when developed is 30% shorter than the conventional one, better resisting adverse weather conditions (such as strong winds), reducing the risk of falling. and facilitating activities within the field, such as irrigation, fertilization and phytosanitary treatments. Another advantage of Smart corn is that, by developing deeper rooting, it has more efficient access to water resources and greater absorption of nutrients, in addition to helping to reduce the carbon footprint by 5-10%, according to preliminary studies. .

In terms of agronomy, the system is designed so that, thanks to the higher planting density, the yield potential can be increased up to 1 ton/hectare in grain and 2 tons/hectare in silage compared to conventional corn, also improving yield values. quality such as digestibility and starch percentage. The use of precision seeders is essential to ensure adequate density according to the potential of each plot.

The system combines the benefits of a new generation of short corn hybrids with the recommendations of the FieldView digital tool

In the last part of the visit, the complete digital experience of this system was shown, since by combining Preceon with the FieldView tool, farmers receive personalized prescriptions on the planting and management of their crops and have detailed monitoring of the development of the crop, which allows them to know in real time the water and fertilization needs of each plot.

Currently, within the Ground Breakers program, a group of farmers from Spain, Italy and the United States are testing the Preceon system in the field. In Spain, forty farmers have participated, mainly from the Ebro Valley area, who have cultivated more than 260 hectares with Preceon.

Luis Casasnovas, one of the farmers who has participated in the program, has valued the results of Preceon according to his experience. “In addition to achieving higher production, about 500kg more per hectare, we have also achieved better irrigation coverage, which has allowed us to save water. The development of the plant has been optimal, without falling, with great color and the ears are perfect, which translates into a better harvest.”

Based on the experiences and comments of this group of farmers, the system will be perfected before the commercial launch, planned in our country for 2025.



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