Employee savings and retirement savings break records in the first half of the year

According to the AFG, outstanding amounts have increased by 10.3% compared to the previous year, indicating a sign of “increased confidence” in these systems.

Savings are increasing. Outstanding employee savings and retirement savings reached a record level of outstanding assets at 198 billion euros in France during the first six months of the year, according to the latest figures published on Tuesday by the French Association of Financial Management (AFG). This outstanding amount reflects a 10.3% increase compared to the same period last year, which “demonstrates the stability and growing confidence in employee savings and collective retirement systems”.

Over 15 billion euros have been contributed to “all employee savings and retirement savings schemes” during this period. These contributions primarily come from profit-sharing (+5.5% to 5.7 billion euros), participation (+3.6% to 5 billion euros), and employer contributions (+9.9% to 2.6 billion euros).

Employee savings derive from participation, profit-sharing, and employer contributions, or from voluntary payments. These funds are held in company savings plans (PEE), where the money is locked for five years, or in company collective retirement savings plans (PER or PERCO), where funds are restricted until retirement, with the option for early withdrawal.

A “good level of valuation”

Buybacks have also increased, reaching 10.5 billion euros in the first half of the year, compared to 9.2 billion euros in the same period of 2023, as specified by the AFG. More than 50% of employee savings are liquid and can be accessed by savers at any time. Savers enjoyed a “good level of valuation” on their funds invested in financial markets. For instance, the pan-European Stoxx 600 index, which includes the 600 largest market capitalizations in Europe, saw an increase of just over 7% between January 2 and June 28, 2024.

The rise in outstanding amounts coincides with an increase in the number of companies that have established a system for employee savings or retirement savings. In total, 407,000 companies in France are involved, representing a slight rise of 2.5% over the past year. The AFG notes that the outstanding amounts of all collective retirement savings products rose by 16% year-on-year in the first half, totaling 32.5 billion euros. These funds benefit more than 4 million employees in France.

Growth of Employee Savings and Retirement Plans in France – AFG Report

According to the French Association of Financial Management (AFG), outstanding amounts in employee savings and retirement plans have surged to a remarkable level. These outstanding amounts reached a record total of 198 billion euros during the first six months of the year, marking a significant increase of 10.3% compared to the previous year. This growth reflects a growing confidence in the efficacy and stability of employee savings and collective retirement schemes in France.

Employee Savings and Retirement Plans

The rise in employee savings, which encompasses profit-sharing, participation, and employer contributions, is notable. Throughout the examined period, over 15 billion euros were allocated into various employee savings and retirement schemes. Here’s how the contributions broke down:

  • Profit-sharing: 5.7 billion euros (up 5.5%)
  • Participation: 5 billion euros (up 3.6%)
  • Employer contributions: 2.6 billion euros (up 9.9%)

Funds deposited into employee savings schemes can be accessed through specific plans such as:

  • Company Savings Plans (PEE): Funds are typically locked for five years.
  • Collective Retirement Savings Plans (PER or PERCO): Funds are generally locked until retirement, with potential early release options available.

A Good Level of Valuation

Investment buybacks have also been climbing, hitting 10.5 billion euros in the first half of the year, up from 9.2 billion euros during the same period in 2023. Notably, over 50% of employee savings are liquid and can be readily accessed by savers. During this period, the savings held on financial markets experienced a good level of valuation, with the pan-European Stoxx 600 index rising by approximately 7% between January 2 and June 28, 2024, benefiting many investors.

Increase in Company Participation

As confidence in these financial instruments grows, more companies are establishing systems for employee savings and retirement. Currently, around 407,000 companies in France have set up such systems, a 2.5% increase from the previous year. The AFG highlights that the total amounts in collective retirement savings products have also surged by 16% year-on-year to reach 32.5 billion euros. These positive changes are benefiting over 4 million employees in France.

Benefits of Employee Savings and Retirement Plans

Investing in employee savings and retirement plans offers numerous benefits, both for employees and employers, including:

  • Financial Security: Employees gain peace of mind knowing they are preparing for their future.
  • Tax Advantages: Contributions to employee savings schemes can often come with tax benefits for both parties.
  • Increased Loyalty: By facilitating savings and retirement plans, companies can enhance employee loyalty and retention.
  • Better Recruitment: Companies that offer competitive savings and retirement options can attract high-quality talent.

Practical Tips for Employees on Managing Savings

If you are an employee looking to maximize your savings and retirement plans, consider the following tips:

1. Understand Your Plan Options

Know the different employee savings options available, including PEE, PER, and PERCO. Understanding the nuances can help you make informed decisions.

2. Regular Contributions

A consistent contribution strategy can help grow your savings. Consider setting up automatic contributions from your paychecks.

3. Review Investment Performance

Periodically review the performance of your investments. Adjust your strategy if certain assets are underperforming or if your financial goals have changed.

4. Seek Professional Guidance

Consult with a financial advisor who can help you tailor your savings strategy to your personal goals and financial situation.

5. Stay Informed

Keep up with changes in savings regulations, tax implications, and other relevant news to stay ahead in your financial planning.

Case Study: Corporate Success with Employee Savings Program

The success of employee savings and retirement plans is evident in companies that actively engage their workforce in these funds. For example, a mid-sized technology firm in France recently implemented a matching contribution for employee savings which led to:

Year Employee Participation Projected Retirement Savings Growth
2022 45% 5 million euros
2023 60% 10 million euros
2024 75% 15 million euros

As demonstrated, increasing employee participation in savings programs not only enhances their prospects for financial stability but also benefits the organization through improved morale and retention rates.


The upward trend in employee savings and retirement plans in France, as reported by the AFG, showcases a robust confidence in the financial systems. With the numbers reflecting significant growth, it’s clear that both employers and employees stand to gain from investing in these plans. The ongoing increase in contributions and participation rates signifies a promising future for employee savings initiatives.



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