Annoyed with reporters asking him about Marinella

Him Christos Mastoras met the television cameras on his return to Greece after the Melissa concert in Cyprus with Elena Paparizou. As expected, the journalists couldn’t help but ask him for a statement about Marinella who is in the hospital after suffering a stroke on the Herodian stage.

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Christos Mastoras, however, without hiding his irritation, asked the journalists to leave, as he did not want to be involved in anything related.

“I have nothing to say and my opinion is worthless at this time. Please respect Marinella. I can’t answer. I am fine and thank you very much. Sorry guys, I don’t want to take sides. Guys… It’s not nice what’s happening. I have nothing to say. Can you respect what I’m asking and not continue this conversation?

I apologize to all the audience who are looking at us right now. I apologize to you. I know you’re tired of looking at me, but, you see,” said Christos Mastoras, obviously irritated.

Let us recall that a few days before the collapse of Marinella, Christos Mastoras had been in the spotlight as the great performer had chosen to remove him from her concert program.

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#Annoyed #reporters #Marinella



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