This is what 12 years on Mars have done to Curiosity’s wheels

From NASA the Curiosity rover landed on Mars in 2012 and has been operating ever since. Exploring the surface of the Red Planet has seen it traverse over 20 miles of rugged terrain, which has not been too accommodating. With its wandering wheels.

In a recent update on NASA’s Curiosity mission, the space agency provided insights into the wear that Curiosity has experienced during its 12 years on Mars. During this time, it has covered 20.13 miles, and while this distance may not seem significant, the Martian surface has caused considerable damage to the craft’s wheels.

Curiosity’s wheel condition is reported as the spacecraft reaches its 4315th sol on Mars, which corresponds to a Martian day. NASA elaborated in a blog post that regularly conducts checks to assess how well the rover withstands the challenging terrain.

By directing the cameras at Curiosity, engineers on Earth can inspect the wear on the six wheels that help it traverse the Martian landscape. Even though it has only traveled 20 miles on Mars, the wheels now show signs of significant wear. CNET reports.

Do you have a puncture repair kit on hand? Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

While traversing the rocky and uneven Martian terrain, Curiosity has picked up some momentum and has developed a few holes in its wheels, though the tread pattern seems to remain intact. As reported by CNET:

NASA is not overly concerned about the situation. The damage has been accumulating over the years, prompting the rover team to devise clever solutions to extend the wheel’s lifespan. The team monitors the rover’s path and aims to circumvent particularly challenging terrain. Curiosity can also travel backward over rough areas to alleviate stress on specific wheels.

Curiosity routinely checks its wheels through multiple sets of images and inspections to assess different areas.

However, a tear in a Martian rover’s wheel is not as critical as a puncture in the tire of your Hyundai Elantra. Curiosity does not utilize the type of air-filled rubber tires found on Earth. Instead, the rover is equipped with six aluminum wheels featuring six spokes, a reinforcement ring to maintain shape, and a simple chevron pattern to enhance traction.

NASA indicates that this degree of wear was “anticipated” on the wheel’s exterior since the aluminum is thinner between the chevrons. This makes the treads vulnerable to the type of damage already observed.

In fact, the observed damage on Curiosity has aided the agency in refining its wheel design. This knowledge informed the design of the Perseverance rover, which is set to land on Mars in 2021. The new rover features larger diameter wheels and a narrower, straighter tread pattern that should enhance its durability.

Perhaps this means Elon Musk won’t need to carry a supply of spare tires for his vehicle on its projected missions to Mars, expected to commence in the coming years.

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NASA’s Curiosity Rover: 12 Years of Exploration on Mars

Introduction to the Curiosity Rover

The Curiosity rover successfully landed on the Martian surface on August 6, 2012. Since then, it has embarked on a groundbreaking journey, exploring the Red Planet and conducting various scientific experiments aimed at understanding Mars’ geology and climate.

Journey and Achievements

The Curiosity rover has traversed over 20 miles (approximately 32 kilometers) across the rocky and diverse terrain of Mars. This remarkable journey represents a significant achievement in planetary exploration, as it has allowed scientists to gather vital data regarding the planet’s past and potential for hosting life.

Key Milestones in the Mission

  • First Year (2012-2013): Successful landing and initial analysis of Gale Crater.
  • Year 3 (2015): Discoveries of ancient water flows indicated by mineral deposits.
  • Year 5 (2017): Evidence of organic compounds found in Martian soil.
  • Year 10 (2022): Comprehensive analysis of Martian climate and geology continues.

Wear and Tear: Challenges Faced by Curiosity

As Curiosity marks its 4315th sol (Martian day) on Mars, NASA has shared insights regarding the wear and tear experienced by the rover, particularly its wheels. Over the years, navigating the rough terrain has resulted in significant damage. The rover has accumulated wear on its six aluminum wheels, which were specifically designed to handle the Martian landscape.

The State of Curiosity’s Wheels

Despite only covering 20 miles, the wheels have developed visible holes and abrasions, as depicted in recent images shared by NASA. These conditions have raised concerns about the rover’s long-term mobility, yet NASA remains optimistic and has implemented solutions to mitigate the damage.

Innovative Solutions for Wheel Durability

NASA is not too worried about the situation. The damage has been building up for years, so the rover team came up with some clever solutions to extend the life of the wheels. The team examines the rover’s trajectory and tries to avoid particularly unpleasant terrain. Curiosity can also drive backwards over uneven stretches to reduce stress on certain wheels.

Wheel Design and Engineering Insights

Curiosity’s wheels are made of aluminum and feature a chevron tread pattern designed for traction. The engineering behind these wheels has been informed by the damage observed over the years, leading to modifications for future rovers, such as the Perseverance rover, which launched with more robust and improved wheels.

Scientific Discoveries Made by Curiosity

The Curiosity rover’s exploration has led to numerous groundbreaking discoveries, each contributing to our understanding of Mars and its potential for past life.

Organic Compounds Discovery

In 2017, Curiosity discovered complex organic molecules in ancient sedimentary rocks, strengthening the argument for Mars’ potential to support life in its past.

Mars’ Water History

Curiosity’s exploration of Gale Crater has uncovered evidence of ancient riverbeds and lake environments, suggesting that Mars was once a wetter and potentially habitable planet.

Martian Climate Analysis

The rover has continuously monitored the Martian atmosphere and climate, providing critical data that helps scientists understand seasonal weather patterns and climate changes on the Red Planet.

Looking Ahead: Future Explorations and Technologies

The data gathered from the Curiosity rover will serve as a foundation for future missions to Mars, particularly as NASA and private entities like SpaceX prepare for human exploration. The findings about Martian soil, atmosphere, and geological formations will inform the tools and strategies needed for sustainable life on Mars.

Upcoming Missions

NASA’s Perseverance rover, which landed in February 2021, aims to build on Curiosity’s successes. With improved technology and design, it is equipped to further explore the possibility of life on Mars.

The Role of Commercial Spaceflight

Companies such as SpaceX are paving the way for crewed missions to Mars. Their innovative approaches will complement NASA’s ongoing work, with the shared goal of exploring human colonization on the Red Planet.

Benefits of Continuous Exploration

The continuous exploration of Mars by rovers like Curiosity not only enhances our understanding of the planet but also provides invaluable insights that could be applied to Earth’s climate science and environmental challenges.

Environmental Monitoring

  • Climate Change Studies: Data from Mars enhances models of climate change.
  • Resource Utilization: Understanding how to utilize Martian resources can aid in sustainable practices on Earth.
  • Innovation in Engineering: The challenges faced by rovers result in advancements in technology that can be applied in various fields.

Photographic Evidence of Curiosity’s Journey

A photo of a hole in Curiosity's wheel.

Curiosity’s wheels have suffered significant wear, as shown in the image above. Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS


With its ongoing mission, Curiosity continues to work tirelessly on Mars, reveling in its challenges and successes. As NASA and various commercial enterprises look to the future, the insights gained from Curiosity’s journey will be cornerstone contributions to Mars exploration and beyond.



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