Amato trial, the defense asks for acquittal: “The fact does not exist”

Bologna, 1 October 2024 – La defense by Giampaolo Amato comes out to ask to the Court of Assizes “convincedly and firmly the acquittal of the accused Why the fact does not existgiven that no accusation has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.” It’s discussion time for the defenders of the 65-year-old doctor accused of killing his wife Isabella Lsala e mother-in-law Giulia Tateo 22 days apart in October 2021, with a cocktail of medications. In aula is also present the son of the accusedNicola, for the first time if we exclude the day of his testimony.

Lawyer Gianluigi Lebro begins: “The mere plausibility of an alternative reconstruction for the contested facts with only evidence requires acquittal,” he clarifies. And he proceeds to reply one by one to the themes contested by the prosecution.

The motive. “Giampaolo Amato wasn’t right commit those crimes. The your unique guilt was manage his extramarital affair in the worst possible waytrying to maintain a balance between the passion for the lover and the bond with the family: he didn’t succeed. The economic motive does not exist, he never needed money. And not even the sentimental one, given that in October 2021 he had already left home and could do whatever he wanted.”

The points analyzed. The cremation, the blankets tucked in to the now dead Isabella, the famous bottle offered at dinner by Amato to his wife and kept since 2019 by the victim’s sister, then analyzed in 2022 by the Ris, which tested positive for Midazolam, the benzodiazepine which for the prosecution is was lethal to the two women. The lawyer Lebro on this last point insists e shows in the courtroom the resealable cap with which the bottle had been closed: “The discovery of Midazolam in Isabella’s body was made known to the parties before the analysis of the bottle. Which was certainly not sealed in a manner suitable for an element of evidence, albeit indirect, decisive for a murder trial”, attacks the lawyer. And the blankets? “The 118 doctor tucked her in after the first visit to Isabella’s body to check there were no traces of violence”.

As for the drugs (Amato is also accused of embezzlement for having stolen them from one of the ASL hospitals where he worked), Lebro glosses: “There is no proof of this. And in the same way that he could theoretically have taken them, his wife could have stolen them from the clinics where she worked. It is an abstract possibility that applies both ways. And so, a possible alternative reconstruction exists. We therefore ask the Court to restore Giampaolo Amato to the life he has left, where he will find at least his children waiting for him, from whom he has taken away neither their mother nor their grandmother.”

It is now the turn of the other defense lawyer, Cesarina Mitaritonna.



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