There were 56,646 more deaths than births in 2023

This results from the relevant ELSTAT research (it is noted that in 2022 deaths exceeded births by 64,706).

The research also shows a decrease in marriages and a large increase in cohabitation agreements, but also an increase in divorces.

In particular, births in Greece in 2023 amounted to 71,455 (36,622 boys and 34,833 girls) registering a decrease of 6.1% compared to 2022 which was 76,095 (39,305 boys and 36,790 girls). Births do not include stillbirths, which in 2023 amounted to 432, down 3.1% from 446 in 2022.

Deaths amounted to 128,101 (64,898 men and 63,203 women) recording a decrease of 9% compared to 2022 which was 140,801 (70,802 men and 69,999 women). Deaths of infants under one year of age rose to 248, raising the infant mortality rate (deaths of infants under one year per 1,000 live births) from 3.1 in 2022 to 3.5 in 2023.

How many weddings took place in 2022

Marriages amounted to 40,351 (21,402 religious and 18,949 civil), showing a decrease of 6.9% compared to 2022, when 43,355 marriages had taken place (21,381 religious and 21,974 civil). Cohabitation agreements reached 15,069, showing an increase of 17.4% compared to 2022 which was 12,840 agreements. The cohabitation agreements of 2023 include 262 cohabitation agreements between men and 121 between women.

15,114 divorces in 2022

Divorces reached 15,114, showing an increase of 4.4% compared to 2022 (14,477 divorces). Regarding the type of divorce, eight out of ten divorces issued in the last five years are consensual. In 2023, 12,214 consensual (80.8%) and 2,044 contested divorces (13.5%) were issued, while for 856 divorces (5.7%) the type of divorce was not stated. Most divorce decisions for men concerned the 45-49 age group (20.1%), while for women the 40-44 age group (21.3%). 66.1% of the divorces issued last year concerned marriages that lasted more than 10 years (9,990 divorces).

Finally, the divorce rate per 100 marriages was 37.5 in 2023, from 33.4 in 2022, from 34.2 in 2021, from 41.2 in 2020 and from 32.1 in 2019.

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#deaths #births



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