More than a thousand defense equipment prepared for the parade during the TNI anniversary at Monas

TNI: Residents ride in defense equipment vehicles belonging to the TNI during a convoy on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta (ANTARA FOTO/Rivan Awal Lingga)

TNI Headquarters prepared more than 1,000 main weapons system equipment (alutsista) from three dimensions to parade during the TNI’s 79th anniversary commemoration ceremony at the Cross Field of the National Monument (Monas), Jakarta, on October 5 2024.

Head of the TNI Information Center (Kapuspen), Maj. Gen. Hariyanto, when contacted in Jakarta today, explained that from today until Wednesday (2/10) all soldiers participating in the ceremony, including defense equipment who were deployed, underwent a series of dirty rehearsals at Monas Cross Square.

“The thorough rehearsal stage combines exercises that were previously carried out partially or in parts, starting from parade ceremonies, demonstrations, troop marches and defense equipment,” said the Head of the TNI National Armed Forces Penuspen.

He continued the rehearsals in preparation for the TNI’s 79th anniversary commemoration ceremony which was scheduled to take place two days later, namely on Thursday (3/10).

At the peak of the commemoration of the TNI’s 79th anniversary at Monas, as many as 100,000 soldiers were deployed to be involved as troops participating in the ceremony, defense equipment crew, demonstration participants, troop marchers and security officers.

Meanwhile, for the defense equipment parade, there were 1,059 defense equipment from three dimensions deployed by the TNI for the ceremony. These defense equipment, as stated by the Head of the TNI National Armed Forces, include tactical vehicles, combat vehicles, amphibious tanks, troop transport trucks and weapons launch systems.

Also read: The TNI Anniversary Ceremony will be marked by a Parade of Combat Vehicles and Aircraft Attractions

From the ranks of the TNI Army’s defense equipment, the defense equipment prepared to parade during the TNI’s 79th Anniversary include troop transport trucks, Maung tactical vehicles, Bushmaster tactical vehicles, Anoa tactical vehicles, ATVs, PJD Motoris tactical vehicles which are the result of innovation from the Department TNI AD Research and Development (Dislitbangad), then emergency communication equipment (ECS), chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (KBRN) hazard decontamination trucks from the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Detachment (Nubika) of the TNI AD Engineer Center, REV (relay vehicle) Komodo, MPCV (multi-purpose combat vehicle) air defense equipment that carries two Mistral missiles, light missile launcher device (LML), logistics vehicle, vehicle for filtering water into clean water, sanitation vehicle, Pandur II 8×8 IFV combat vehicle, Anoa 6×6 APC tactical vehicle, Anoa 6×6 Command, Badak 6×6 combat vehicle, Caesar 155mm/gs cannon, MLRS Astros II rocket launcher, fourtrackway, Leopard tank, Marder tank infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), Harimau medium tank made by PT Pindad in collaboration with FNSS Turkey.

From the ranks of the Indonesian Navy’s defense equipment, the defense equipment prepared for the parade includes diving vehicles, RHIB fast boats, long-range missiles for anti-ship combat Yakhont made in Russia, Exocet MM40 Block 3 cruise missiles made by French MDBA, BTR4 amphibious tanks, BMP 3F amphibious tanks, BTR 50P , BTR 50 PK, LVT 7, and the PT 76M amphibious light tank, the three tanks currently strengthening the Indonesian Navy’s Marine Corps.

Then, from the ranks of the Indonesian Air Force, apart from transport planes, fighter planes and helicopters, the defense equipment prepared for the parade includes special vehicles for decontamination Decon Trucks, special ladder vehicles for Satbravo 90 Kopasgat MIT Ares, field kitchen vehicles, sinual jammers ( GPS jammer), Smart Hunter TH-S311 radar, MLAAD-SR radar (mobile law altitude air defense-surveillance radar) used by the Indonesian Air Force Satkomlek, and SMS DX anti-drone device.

Also read: Recommended Weekend Destinations, TNI Anniversary People’s Party at Monas

Then there is also a range of classic cars and big motorbikes from the community.

At the 79th Anniversary of the TNI, after the ceremony, which is led directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, TNI soldiers from three dimensions will perform a number of demonstrations or displays of ability, namely self-defense demonstrations, demonstrations of horsemen from the TNI AD Cavalry, parachuting (free fall), demonstration of anti-drone capabilities, aerobatic displays from TNI Air Force pilots Jupiter Aerobatic Team (JAT) and from TNI Navy pilots Rajawali Flight.

Then, after this demonstration of ability, the series of TNI 79th Anniversary events at Monas closed with a people’s stage featuring a number of musicians and bands such as Slank, Dewa, Ari Lasso, and NDX. (Ant/P-2)

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