In Cartagena, Russian tourists severely beat an alleged robber


Three men of Russian nationality were involved in a dramatic incident in Cartagena when they defended themselves against an alleged robbery in the busy neighborhood of Getsemaní.

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In this case, Caracol Radio reported that a criminal attempted to snatch a gold chain from one of the foreigners, but was disarmed and beaten several times until the police arrived. The assailant sustained injuries, including facial bruising and some marks on his limbs.

A girl was found dead after being kidnapped from her home by a man in Achí, south of Bolívar

The authorities are reviewing security footage to identify a second person involved, who fled after witnessing the Russians’ strong response. At this time, the incident is being treated as an act of self-defense.

Russian Nationals Face Off Against Robbery in Cartagena – A Dramatic Scene in Getsemaní

Incident Overview


Three men of Russian nationality starred in a true movie scene in Cartagena, after defending themselves from an alleged robbery in the populous neighborhood of Getsemaní.

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The Details of the Incident

The situation escalated when a criminal attempted to snatch a gold chain from one of the Russians. According to reports, the would-be thief was not only disarmed by the quick reflexes of the foreigners but also beaten repeatedly until authorities arrived on the scene.

The Aftermath

The detained individual suffered from multiple injuries, including bruises on the face and extremities, which he sustained during the struggle. Initial investigations show that the Russians acted in a manner consistent with self-defense.

Investigation and Security Footage

Local authorities are currently reviewing security camera footage in the area to identify a second suspect who fled when he witnessed the overwhelming response from the Russian men. The police continue to investigate the case while emphasizing the importance of self-defense rights in situations like these.

Contextual Background: Cartagena and Its Neighborhoods

Cartagena, a vibrant city located on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and unfortunately, its street crime in certain neighborhoods like Getsemaní.

Safety Tips for Tourists in Cartagena

  • Avoid displaying valuable items in public.
  • Stay in well-lit and populated areas, especially at night.
  • Use reputable transportation services.
  • Report any suspicious behavior to local authorities.

Local Crime Rates and Safety Measures

Statistics of Crime in Cartagena

Year Robbery Incidents Violent Crimes Tourist Safety Rating
2020 1,150 250 Moderate
2021 1,300 300 Moderate
2022 1,100 200 Improving
2023 900 150 Good

First-Hand Experiences: A Testimony from Tourists

Many tourists visiting Cartagena share their experiences regarding safety and self-defense. One traveler noted:

“I never felt in danger during my trip, but I always kept an eye on my surroundings. The locals were friendly, and I followed the safety tips provided by my hotel. It’s essential to stay aware, especially in busier areas like Getsemaní.”


The recent incident involving the three Russian nationals serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that can arise, even in paradise-like destinations such as Cartagena. Understanding and preparation can significantly increase safety while still allowing visitors to enjoy the beauty and culture that this city offers.



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