CGIL, Landini fights but then lays off 35 trade unionists –

Aldo Torchiaro

Maurizio Landini strikes again. After the case of the immediate dismissal, in September 2023, of Massimo Gibelli, who was spokesperson and press office for CGIL leaders, from Cofferati to Camusso, a new case shakes the union. Last September 25th the leaders of the company Servizi e tutela srl ​​of Perugia, entirely controlled by the CGIL and led by the president Vincenzo Sgalla, who until just over a year ago was also the secretary of the CGIL in Umbria, saw all their employees on redundancy pay. The report is merciless: the sharp drop in the number of people assisted with tax returns or tax procedures “does not allow the working hours of all the staff to be covered”. For this reason, from 7 October next, the ordinary redundancy fund will start for 12 weeks for “a maximum number (as a precaution) of 35 work units who will be suspended from work and/or will work reduced hours”. The company has undertaken to “verify the possibility of carrying out suspensions from work with rotation methods” and also to pay workers on redundancy pay an adequate supplement to the salary they received while working.

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The trade union organization directed by Landini also issues a note: according to the leaders of the CGIL company, the hope that the redundancy fund will not last beyond 12 weeks derives from the possible recovery in the medium term thanks to «a significant intensification of a commercial nature aimed at strengthening and to the increase in services provided, particularly in the sectors of inheritance and management of domestic staff (caregivers) and flat-rate VAT numbers”. Inherits, carers’ practices and VAT numbers are therefore desired. To replace the evidently larger group of customers, the one that required the paperwork to obtain citizenship income. Landini’s contradiction is jarring.

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While collecting signatures for the referendum that wants to archive the jobs act, he makes full use of it. A paradox that did not escape the group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber, Tommaso Foti. «It is with full conviction that we express our closeness to the employees of the Perugia company 100% controlled by CGIL. For the first time we are using the fiery words that Landini regularly uses against the Meloni government.” And then Foti’s thrust: «We are faced with a sort of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Landini, champion of the workers by day and ruthless ‘boss’ by night, we are faced with the reversal of roles based on convenience. We express solidarity – continues the FdI exponent – ​​with the 35 employees who will suffer the wage imposed by those who never miss an opportunity to discredit the economic policies of the centre-right. Whoever is the cause of his own misfortune should cry for himself, dear Landini, and be careful to scratch around better after having preached very badly.”

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#CGIL #Landini #fights #lays #trade #unionists #Tempo
2024-09-30 19:34:31



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