Rapallo: “Everyone’s doctor”, an appreciated service, returns and becomes stronger – LevanteNews

A reader writes: “I am an ASL-4 user; A few days ago I went to the Rapallo hospital to see everyone’s doctor, an excellent service I used for problems relating to prescriptions. I learned that today is the last day. For once the Liguria Region does something well with regards to healthcare, close this service. Shame..”

However, the service, precisely because it was appreciated by users, resumes.”We are satisfied with the work carried out with the “Il medico di tutti” clinic, which immediately proved to be a service appreciated by users. At this moment – explains the director of the Districts, Daniela Mortello – we are collecting the doctors’ availability to define the monthly shifts for October. The service to citizens can be further enriched with other services thanks to the regional agreement signed with the representatives of family doctors”.



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