Russian boy beaten in Uzbekistan: comments from child’s mother

2024-09-30 16:15:12

Uzbekistan denies Jizzak school beating students for speaking Russian

In Uzbekistan, a teacher beat a male student for speaking Russian photo:

The mother of a beaten male student in Jizzak (Uzbekistan) told URA.RU her opinion of what happened at the school. According to her, educational institutions often harass Russian-speaking students who do not understand Uzbek. Despite an official statement from the Ministry of Education of the Jizzakh Region, the child’s mother is convinced that the conflict was not sparked by personal hostility but was racially motivated. URA.RU published the story of the mother of an injured boy, describing the pressure from the prosecutor’s office and school, as well as other cases of beatings.

Education and health features

The boy’s mother said he had a disability as a child. Until 2022, the family lived in Khabarovsk. According to his mother, the boy studied at school, excelled academically, performed well and also played football.

Move to St. Petersburg

From September 2022, the boy began studying at a school in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg. The mother was confident that her son would be able to establish himself positively in his new school, even in a short period of time. Later the family moved to Jizzak. According to the mother, it was at a school in the city that her son’s problems began.

Communication with other bereaved families

According to the child’s mother, her son was not the first to suffer physical abuse. Parents of students who were beaten communicated by phone and supported each other in difficult situations. They endured extremely traumatic events. The girl who videotaped the beating and her mother faced pressure from district police and the school administration.

“Unfortunately, it was not possible to record the phone conversation in which the threats were made. However, the fact that the school provided information on contact details, place of residence and marital status is undeniable. No one else knew this information,” the child’s mother said.

Problems with the prosecutor’s office

The boy’s mother contacted the district attorney’s office but ran into problems. They had not been referred for the forensic examination needed to investigate the case and initially did not want to accept the application.

The prosecutor agreed to accept the statement after mentioning the possibility of disclosure to the media, but did not sign a copy of the statement. Despite this, the case did not receive the attention it deserved, and the prosecutor’s office showed inaction.

Physical examination and worsening of condition

On September 27, the doctor examined the boy at the clinic. Doctors diagnosed bruises and a concussion. He rushed them to an area hospital but was unable to go there due to their extended stay at the prosecutor’s office. The child’s condition worsened, and on September 29, the family had to call an ambulance. Emergency doctors carefully examined the boy and took necessary measures. They sent them for forensic examination, the results of which are not yet known.

Elementary school student's back bruised

Elementary school student’s back bruised


The school’s response to the incident

“After the news came out today, the school leaders started to make a fuss and drove several cars to our home. Before that, no one from the school contacted us to find out about the child’s situation and acted as if nothing had happened. The conversation was very long and my husband recorded it with a tape recorder Come down. During this conversation, the head teacher responded to my husband’s question “Why doesn’t this happen in the school next door?” “Because only Uzbeks study there,” said the student’s mother.

school problems

The boy’s mother noted that the victims were among the top students in the class and were quiet, calm kids, making it even more unbearable for their family. She recalled that the school her son attended was once one of the best in the region, but the current leadership was not interested in hiring Russian-language teachers, which had a negative impact on the educational quality of the Russian-language courses.

Uzbekistan’s official position

The Education Ministry of Uzbekistan’s Jizhak region has denied reports that Russian-speaking students were being beaten for long periods of time at school. The incident at the seventh-grade school occurred due to a personal conflict that had nothing to do with language. Law enforcement agencies and teachers held preventive talks. The outcome of the trial is expected later.

Mother responds to the official statement from the education department

According to the mother, Uzbek media has actively denied accusations of beating children on language grounds. They claimed the conflict was caused by personal differences and a fight, not an intentional beating.

However, these claims have yet to provide convincing evidence. The children who were attacked did not speak Uzbek, and the attackers did not speak Russian. There was never any communication between them; the beating allegedly occurred without any apparent reason.


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The mother of a beaten male student in Jizzak (Uzbekistan) told URA.RU her opinion of what happened at the school. According to her, educational institutions often harass Russian-speaking students who do not understand Uzbek. Despite an official statement from the Ministry of Education of the Jizzakh region, the child’s mother is convinced that the conflict was not sparked by personal hostility but was racially motivated. URA.RU published the story of the mother of an injured boy, describing the pressure from the prosecutor’s office and school, as well as other cases of beatings. Education and Health Characteristics The boy’s mother said he had a disability as a child. Until 2022, the family lived in Khabarovsk. According to his mother, the boy studied at school, excelled academically, performed well and also played football. Moving to St. Petersburg From September 2022, the boy begins studying at a school in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg. The mother was confident that her son would be able to establish himself positively in his new school, even in a short period of time. Later the family moved to Jizzak. According to the mother, it was at a school in the city that her son’s problems began. Communication with other victims’ families According to the child’s mother, her son was not the first to suffer physical abuse. Parents of students who were beaten communicated by phone and supported each other in difficult situations. They endured extremely traumatic events. The girl and her mother who videotaped the beating have faced pressure from district police and the school administration. Problems with the District Attorney’s Office The boy’s mother contacted the District Attorney’s Office but ran into problems. They had not been referred for the forensic examination needed to investigate the case and initially did not want to accept the application. The prosecutor agreed to accept the statement after mentioning the possibility of disclosure to the media, but did not sign a copy of the statement. Despite this, the case did not receive the attention it deserved, and the prosecutor’s office showed inaction. Physical examination and deterioration of condition On September 27, doctors examined the boy at the clinic. Doctors diagnosed bruises and a concussion. He rushed them to an area hospital but was unable to go there due to their extended stay at the prosecutor’s office. The child’s condition worsened, and on September 29, the family had to call an ambulance. Emergency doctors carefully examined the boy and took necessary measures. They sent them for forensic examination, the results of which are not yet known. School’s response to incident The mother of a troubled boy at the school said the victims were among the top students in their class and were quiet, calm children, making it even more unbearable for their family. She recalled that the school her son attended was once one of the best in the region, but the current leadership was not interested in hiring Russian-language teachers, which had a negative impact on the educational quality of the Russian-language courses. Uzbekistan’s official position The Ministry of Education of Uzbekistan’s Jizhak region has denied reports that Russian-speaking students are being beaten for long periods of time in schools. The incident at the seventh-grade school occurred due to a personal conflict that had nothing to do with language. Law enforcement agencies and teachers held preventive talks. The outcome of the trial is expected later. According to the mother, Uzbek media has aggressively denied accusations of beating children on language grounds. They claimed the cause of the conflict was personal differences and a fight, not an intentional beating. However, these claims have yet to provide convincing evidence. The children who were attacked did not speak Uzbek, and the attackers did not speak Russian. There was never any communication between them; the beating allegedly occurred without any apparent reason.

#Russian #boy #beaten #Uzbekistan #comments #childs #mother



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