SPÖ is preparing to govern – only one person is not

A negotiating team was nominated, which, in addition to the party chairman, will include the Second President of the National Council, Doris Bures, and a high-ranking trade union representative. However, this line is not welcomed everywhere in the party. Burgenland’s Governor Hans Peter Doskozil recommends the opposition.

According to the current status, the SPÖ ended up with 21.1 percent in yesterday’s ballot. That would be a minus of 0.1 percentage points compared to 2019, when the worst result in a National Council election to date was achieved. For the first time, the Social Democrats were only the third strongest force. Nevertheless, Babler saw no reason to make his position available on Monday. This also applies to the federal managing director duo, as Sandra Breiteneder and Klaus Seltenheim did “a good job”.

After all, the party leader admitted on Monday afternoon after the meetings of the presidium and board that they had hoped and expected a better result. Babler noted “structural-political problems” in rural regions that have existed for a long time. In addition, “open calls” from within his own party would not have been helpful.

At least on Monday, no one sat in Babler’s chair, although the party leaders often gave evasive answers. When asked whether Babler was firmly in the saddle, women’s leader Eva Maria Holzleitner said that he was in any case the elected federal party leader. Lower Austria’s SP club chairman Hannes Weninger was the only one who publicly expected a personnel debate.

“Babler is not a miracle bag”

However, Doskozil didn’t want to offend them. Babler is not a miracle bag. You knew what you were getting with him. What is important for the Social Democrats in the future is to move away from “voter exchanges with the Greens,” said the state governor, who is not represented in the federal committees out of his own wish.

It would be the wrong time for Doskozil to join a government now, especially not in a three-party coalition, as Germany sees the challenges of such a constellation. In his view, the opposition would be the right place to question power blocs and decision-making processes within the party. Babler said that Doskozil’s opinion was that he himself could only reflect that of the federal party.

In any case, the direction of the Vienna SPÖ, which had clearly become the strongest state organization yesterday, looks completely different. Apart from the committee’s decision not to discuss personnel matters, Mayor Michael Ludwig reported that they were in principle prepared to enter into government negotiations – although not at any price. However, it is necessary to take care of issues that social democracy stands for, such as the situation on the labor market, securing the health system and pensions or measures against climate change.

Carinthia’s Governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) also took a pro-government position: “The willingness to take responsibility is very strong among the Social Democrats.” Styrian Anton Lang, who is in coalition with the People’s Party in his state, was even clearer: “The SPÖ is not a typical opposition party. If we can, we should go into government.”

Deliberately small negotiating team

The negotiating team at the SPÖ is probably deliberately kept small. The Vienna party is prominently represented by Bures. Party leader Babler is supported by Holzleitner, club chairman Philip Kucher and a union representative. It will only be decided here whether it will be ÖGB President Wolfgang Katzian or FSG boss Josef Muchitsch.

The SPÖ left it open on Monday whether it would accept a liberal National Council President. Doskozil recommended support, club chairman Philip Kucher said it would depend on the person nominated.

This article was last updated at 4:03 p.m.



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