Heraklion: The description of the principal who was beaten by his student

As he described to radiome.gr “the student was waiting for me at 8:00, 8:05 outside the school. When I got out of the car, he moved threateningly towards me saying “why did you tell my father that I was squatting?”. He hit me, pushed me, punched me in the head, nose, knocked me down. Fortunately, there were others in front and prevented him from the worst,” added the director of the high school.

The unfortunate man was taken to the Venizelio Hospital after the attack.

Heraklion: A high school student hit his principal and left him covered in blood

The incident occurred early this morning, with the principal being attacked as he got out of his car to enter the school.

More specifically, the student was waiting for him and started asking him for an explanation because his parents were informed that he was in the group of squatters who had closed the school yesterday, Thursday.

According to the victim of the attack, he fell to the pavement covered in blood from the blow he received while the EMS was called to take the teacher to the hospital.

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