First gathering of Takis Vassiliou

First gathering of Takis Vassiliou

Peloponnese Newsroom

Takis Vassiliou officially comes forward, as the head of the faction “ONE Chamber Movement of Aegialia”, in the elections for the new president of the Chamber of Achaia on December 7-9.

On Wednesday, October 2, at 7:30 in the afternoon, at the “Habit” cafe in the square of Ag. Lavras, the first gathering of Mr. Vassiliou’s chamber faction is planned. “It will be a first gathering with the people I am already very close to and will either be candidates with our faction or support the effort we are making” explained the leader of the faction, noting that the event will also be open to those interested in meeting him as well as the new faction.

And he concluded: “The world is tired of some old practices and logic and is looking for something new, finding a field of expression and creation in our own faction.”

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#gathering #Takis #Vassiliou



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