The first applications for “Green Agritourism” have been approved

The first applications concerning the “Green Agritourism” program were approved by Ministry of Rural Development and Food. This is a project whose budget has increased from 49m. at 74 cm. euros and this resulted in all 87 submitted applications being included.

«YPAAT responding to the needs of society and modern agricultural productionconnects tourism with environmentally friendly agricultural production by supporting “Green Agritourism”. We are determined to take every initiative that will support the development of a new model of agricultural entrepreneurship which we seek to be a structural pillar of the new development model of Greece. The primary sector, in all its forms, is the basis of development and is directly linked to manufacturing and the provision of services in sectors decisive for the course of our economy, such as tourism. The development and support of more environmentally friendly actions is in line with the imperatives of our time and gives new impetus to the unique quality of Greek products, making them more competitive” said the Minister of Agricultural Development and Food, Lefteris Avgenakis.

The competent Deputy Minister of AAT, Dionysis Stamenitis, emphasized, among other things, that “… the implementation of an important action is progressing, within the context of the Recovery Fund, which aims to contribute to improving the position of farmers in the value chain, to strengthen the competitiveness of products through their connection with tourism and to integrate new processes, friendly to the environment, which help to limit the effect of climate change.

The data shows that there has been significant interest from investors and this is something that gives us satisfaction.”

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