Youth: the 3rd Business Administration Promotion of Sonfonia hard at work for the employability of former students

Youth: the 3rd Business Administration Promotion of Sonfonia hard at work for the employability of former students

2024-09-30 14:51:37

The ISSEC of Lambanyi hosted, on April 28, 2024, a restitution workshop of the synthesis work carried out by the former students of the 3rd promotion of the “Business Administration” department (2006-2010) of the General Lansana Conté University of Sonfonia. This significant event, organized to assess the challenges faced by the members of this promotion, had the main objective of proposing concrete solutions to strengthen the employability of former graduates and promote mutual aid within the community.

These former students came together to identify the problems related to professional integration and job instability that some of their classmates encounter. George Tona Guilavogui explained the motivations behind this initiative: “We organized this workshop to diagnose the difficulties faced by the members of our class and find solutions for those who are struggling to enter the professional world. It was about asking the right questions, particularly on employability, and thinking about strategies based on networking and mutual aid. »

After several weeks of consultations, the members of the class identified concrete courses of action to help their comrades in difficulty. One of the flagship proposals is the organization of training seminars to better prepare former students to face the job market.

Former teachers from this promotion were also present to support this initiative. Alseny Camara, former head of the “Business Administration” department at UGLC Sonfonia, said he was “deeply moved” to see his former students take their destiny into their own hands. He praised the spirit of mutual aid that drives this group, while emphasizing the need for those in positions of responsibility to support their comrades in difficulty: “It is important that those who have succeeded in integrating into the world work can help others follow the same path. »

Saliyan Sékou Kouyaté, teacher-researcher and “spiritual father” of the class, expressed his pride in the collective success of his former students. “To see that this class, 14 years later, is still so united is a real accomplishment for us, the teachers. This is proof that our efforts have borne fruit. I strongly encourage this type of initiatives, because they can inspire other promotions and contribute to the development of Guinean youth,” he declared.

The restitution workshop also made it possible to draw up an ambitious roadmap for the members of the promotion. Among the future objectives is the organization of quarterly workshops intended to support young graduates and current students of the UGLC of Sonfonia. These workshops will aim to strengthen management skills, encourage entrepreneurship and facilitate the transition to the world of work.

Other initiatives considered include:

– The organization of thematic seminars addressing subjects such as entrepreneurship, new technologies or even managerial skills;

– The establishment of a mentoring program where professionals from the network of former students will support the youngest in their academic and professional careers;

– The creation of coaching sessions, in small groups or individuals, to help participants define and achieve their professional goals;

– The organization of meeting forums with recruiters, including company presentations and job interview simulations.

This restitution workshop is part of a dynamic of union and solidarity which constitutes a model to follow for other promotions of the UGLC of Sonfonia. The project to strengthen employability through training and networking opportunities demonstrates a common desire to face the challenges of the job market, while advocating solidarity between former students.

This meeting between the members of the 3rd “Business Administration” promotion of Sonfonia marks a decisive turning point towards greater professional integration of its members. Their collaborative approach and the concrete actions they put in place offer a great example of empowerment and development for Guinean youth. These initiatives, in addition to promoting professional integration, have the potential to inspire other promotions to follow the path of solidarity and sharing of experiences to build a more united and prosperous society.

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