Péter Magyar is different: there, everything has news value, that he enters the ATV and stays there

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September 26, 2024 Breakfast fast/Breakfast person (Thursday, September 26, 2024 09:00): Ágnes Urbán

Hosts: Miklós Panxnotded, János Dési, Sándor Szénási, Imre Para-Kovács Editors: Jávor Dénes Marcell, János Selmeci, Krisztina Korpás, Gyula Bencsik, Eszter Herskovits

The independent media are in a very tough fight with each other for the remaining state crumbs and for the support of consumers. State billions are pouring into the government party papers, so you can’t compete with them, said Ágnes Urbán.

Regarding the 1% tax offering, the big winner was the Partizan, Urbán would not have thought that anyone would overtake the Heim Pál Children’s Hospital and the National Ambulance Service. “But you could see that they performed well from Klubrádió to Átlátszó and Direkt 36. This means a great awareness on the part of consumers that if they know that even if they cannot help independent media in any other way, they will try to help.”

Ágnes Urban

Photo: Králl Kevin / Klubrádió

“The online press will remain, but the printed daily market can be buried in the independent media,” he added. Online can be accessed from anywhere. On the other hand, if you look at the printed Népsva, based on the state advertising spending data, three quarters of the magnitude of the income comes from state sources. “Probably, the state considers it important that a left-wing print media remains in the index. If it had to live without it, it could close the curtain the next day.” According to him, the situation is better with weekly newspapers. The distribution cost is what is very expensive and they have less distribution. “I wouldn’t bet on the long-term survival of printed papers,” he said. “Unless they keep a paper alive even when it’s no longer profitable.”

As he said, in the online independent press, different projects and smaller editorial offices were established and different genres were created. when more people came or when more people were fired from larger editorial offices. There have been investigation-centered sites, general portals, radio, and a site for a more conservative audience. “Video and podcasts are great, these formats are suitable for filling in dead time. It’s good to listen while driving, cooking, cycling, running, walking the dog. There are many situations where we can’t read, but we can listen.”

“Everyone finds their role beautifully – he said about this. – From this point of view, Klubrádió is in a particularly good position, it is still a radio, it plays 0-24, you can turn it on at any time, we can’t really say that on the independent side in this form nor. The chances of those media who find themselves and their audience are particularly good.”

Host János Selmeci suggested: “since covid, the genre of the online press conference has been born on the part of the government, so as not to provoke the information with questions. All public figures write on their Facebook pages. What do we need? The media’s role as a gatekeeper ceased when the journalist and the editor decided about what should be made public.” “Independent media find their audience well – replied Ágnes Urbán. – The smaller part of the audience is the kind of political reader, viewer who wants to read politicians’ communiqués and is not interested in the context, they just read what Viktor Orbán, Ferenc Gyurcsány said or Péter Magyar. The majority of people interested in public life are more curious and think more nuanced. The public appreciates the type of articles that describe, what XY said on Facebook. Of course it brings good views, but the point starts beyond that.”

As he said: Péter Magyar is different, there everything has news value that goes into the ATV and stays there, so that the bouncers don’t throw it out of public TV. He added: “He really built himself up in daily communication on Facebook, but the real breakthrough was Partizan. He wouldn’t have become such a big star if he hadn’t entered Partizan at the time. It became the most watched interview of all time for Partizan.”

At the end of the conversation, János Selmeci asked a question: “In a situation where there is no money, excellent colleagues go to work for TV shows or teach, salaries have not increased for 15 years, there is a government that thinks the same way about the media. In this environment, can we do our work as we should?”

Ágnes Urbán’s answer: “Political apathy, the greatest enemy of the public media, has come to an end, I trust that you will stay up and be able to continue. Navel-gazing, self-pitying content is obviously not good, but sometimes you have to have an honest conversation with the listeners about their situation the radio. Such fund-raising campaigns and survival exercises provide an excellent platform for this. The students must be told what the real situation is and what is at stake.”

Breakfast fast/Breakfast person Ágnes Urbán
09/26/2024, Thursday 9:00 a.m
Reporter: János Selmeci, Eszter Herskovits



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