As an Environmental Solution, the Minister of Environment and Forestry Inaugurated Ecoriparian Umri and Unilak

Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar when inaugurating the ecoparition at the Muhammadiyah University of Riau, Riau, Monday (30/9/2024). (MI/Rudi Kurniawansyah)

MINISTER of the Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya Bakar inaugurated eco-riparian parks at Muhammadiyah University of Riau (Umri) and Lancang Kuning University (Unilak).

The Minister of Environment and Forestry assesses that the existence of the eco-district built by PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) could be a solution to environmental problems and become an education center in the center of Pekanbaru City, Riau.

The inauguration of the Umri Ecoriparian was held in Umri, Pekanbaru, Monday (30/9). At the same time, the inauguration of the Unilak Ecoriparian was carried out online (online). The inauguration of the two eco-districts marks the strong commitment of the government, business world and universities in preserving the environment and encouraging sustainable development.

“This is very good, because it relates directly to the people. Its social relevance is very high, it can provide solutions to environmental problems and provide educational, social and economic functions for the community,” said Siti Nurbaya at the inauguration.

Umri and Unilak Ecoriparians are green areas that combine ecological, social, economic and educational functions. With ecotourism, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of the campus environment, become a learning center about managing water resources and ecosystems, and provide benefits to the surrounding community.

In the ecoriparian there are constructed wetland or artificial swamps created and designed specifically for the treatment of polluted water by utilizing integrated natural processes.

Wastewater from residential areas will undergo decontamination through natural processes involving swamp or riparian vegetation before being released into water bodies.

From an economic perspective, Ecoriparian UMRI also has cafes and MSME-based outlets biodigesters which is environmentally friendly. Biodigesters is an alternative to reduce the amount of waste by utilizing it into biogas. The gas produced is used to light stoves in cafes and MSME outlets in eco-riparian areas.

Meanwhile, Unilak Ecoriparian is located in an area of ​​approximately 5 hectares in the Lancang Kuning University campus area, Rumbai District, Pekanbaru. Consists of three zones, namely core, support and development.

The core zone consists of a lake whose function has been optimized as a retention pond using a lake ecosystem approach. The buffer zone is used to optimize the lake border as green open space (RT) and blue open space corridor (RTB). constructed wetland (artificial wetlands) and detention pond (retaining basin). Meanwhile, the development zone is the optimization of open space as a space for social interaction.

There is also a Biodiversity Park (Kehati) landscape which carries a natural concept, using materials such as natural stone for the jogging track route and the amphitheater location as a performance venue for students and local residents. There is also a cafe as a forum for student business development.

In the Unilak Biodiversity Arboretum Forest area, existing facilities have been renovated, such as pedestrians, bridges, identifying various types of plants along with tree barcodes, gates, shelters, seating, landscaping areas, electricity and gathering places filled with several forms of information boards. education regarding the various types of flora and fauna found there.

PHR Main Director Ruby Mulyawan said that his party is committed to protecting the environment and conserving biodiversity in line with various government programs, especially at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Ecoriparian UMRI and Unilak are one of the environmental pillars of the PHR Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL).

According to him, ecotourism development also follows up on the mandate of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry as an effort to reduce pollution in water flows (rivers). It is hoped that the concept of building a green open space that is integrated with a waste water treatment plant (IPAL) will not only serve as a container for filtering waste water, but also as a place for education and ecotourism for the community.

In this case, said Ruby, PHR promotes collaboration pentahelix together with the Directorate General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control, KLHK (PPKL-KLHK) and the world of education in an effort to protect the environment. This eco-riparian facility is PHR’s real step in maintaining environmental sustainability and providing benefits to the surrounding community.

“PHR would like to express its gratitude for the attention and support provided by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in providing directions regarding environmental management and protection in the Rokan Working Area (WK). “By handing over the ecotourism to UMRI and Unilak, hopefully it can be managed well independently so that the benefits can be felt by the people of Riau,” said Ruby.

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Unilak Chancellor Prof Dr Junaidi SS.M.Hum expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and PHR for their support for eco-iparian development in the campus area.

“Thanks to the support of PHR and KLHK through eco-riparian development, Unilak has become role model managing a green campus in Riau and increasing Unilak’s position in the ranking GreenMetric University,” said Junaidi.

He hopes that Unilak can become a center of learning and inspiration for other campuses. “In the future, Unilak can continue to be a center of learning and inspiration for other universities in preserving the environment and creating a sustainable future,” he concluded. (RK/J-3)

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