Great involvement after a violent incident in Bergen – the police reopen the case

Great involvement after a violent incident in Bergen – the police reopen the case

Ali was diagnosed with a concussion, four broken teeth, a broken nose, a blow to the neck, a cracked lip and a cracked chin after the violent incident, in addition to the fact that the 25-year-old was bruised in the stomach, back and arms.

Ali has explained that he had racist remarks thrown at him.

– The injuries he had are, in our view, compatible with the story he tells. There is no reason to doubt the story, said police attorney Per Øyvind Valland Bergens Tidende last week.

Reopening the case

Nevertheless, the case was dropped as a result of the police’s lack of information about the perpetrators. Investigations at the scene and attempts to obtain witnesses and surveillance did not lead to any results.

But now the police have reopened the case.

– Media reports have given the case a lot of attention, and the police have subsequently received a few inquiries. This provides grounds for further investigations, and the case will therefore be reopened, the Vest police district states in a press release.

– Was afraid of dying

After celebrating an important 7-0 victory over Trio in the 4th division promotion match on 21 September, Ali walked through Nygårdsparken on his way home.

Ali has explained that two men he had never seen before started saying racist things to him like “fucking black man” and that he should “go back to where he came from”. When he tried to walk past after explaining that he was tired and wanted to go home, one of them allegedly grabbed him.

Four other men are said to have also appeared and attacked Ali with punches and kicks.

– I thought that if I don’t get away, then I’m going to die, Ali has said The Bergen newspaper.

Great commitment

The case has generated great public involvement in Bergen, with, among other things, a spiel to cover Ali’s injuries, as well as a torchlight procession.

The police are appealing for tips in the case and ask anyone with information to get in touch.

Ali was born and raised in Bergen. The parents moved to Norway over 30 years ago.

#Great #involvement #violent #incident #Bergen #police #reopen #case
2024-09-30 14:09:25

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