Gender, consumption and marketing – Calenda

2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop “Gender, Consumption and Marketing” – Paris, March 20, 2025

Gender is today at the heart of academic and societal debates (Dobscha, 2019). Numerous research works, and in various disciplines, have explored this key notion of understanding social organization from the angle of its production (Bereni et al.2020), the mechanisms that keep it in place (Gazalé, 2019), or even its deconstruction (Butler, 2004).

After the success of the first day conducted in March 2024, the objective of this second interdisciplinary workshop is once again to give researchers from multiple academic disciplines interested in these questions the opportunity to meet and discuss varied work. This study day is always intended to be multidisciplinary and open to all epistemological and methodological approaches.

As an indication, the expected contributions may fall into the following areas:

  • Gender identities and consumption practices (food, cultural, sports, tourism and leisure (digital), fashion, beauty, etc.);
  • Markets, brands, advertising and gender stereotypes;
  • Consumption and (de)production of gender;
  • Social networks, media and gender;
  • Family configurations, generational disparities and gendered consumption;
  • Methodologies and conceptualizations of gender.

Communication proposals will be made on the basis of a long summary (between 1500 and 2500 characters, including spaces, or approximately one page of text spacing 1.5, font 12). These will highlight the main elements of the research (context and/or elements of the literature helping with understanding, research question, brief presentation of the methodology used, main results if they already exist, even avenues for discussion).

All works that resonate with the main theme of the workshop, regardless of their degree of progress in the research, will be welcome. Research projects currently being considered which could benefit from an exchange during this workshop will also be.

Works and projects will be presented and discussed in short formats during the day of March 20, 2025. We invite authors to formulate in their submissions one or two points on which they would like the discussion to focus, the objective of the remaining day to allow the authors to advance their research.

Communication proposals must be submitted by email to the following address: and are expected,

before December 7, 2024

The answers will be given to the authors on January 10, 2025.

Special issue

In partnership with ALCOR and Carnets de la Consommation, the publication of a special issue of the magazine Consumption notebooks following the day is planned in a current publication format.

Arsel Z, Eräranta K and Moisander J (2015) Introduction : theorising gender and gendering theory in marketing and consumer research. Journal of Marketing Management 31(15–16) : 1553–1558.

Bereni L, Chauvin S, Jaunait A, et al. (2020) Introduction to Gender Studies.

Butler J (2004) Undoing Gender. New York  ; London : Routledge.

Coskuner-Balli G and Thompson CJ (2013) The Status Costs of Subordinate Cultural Capital : At-Home Fathers’ Collective Pursuit of Cultural Legitimacy through Capitalizing Consumption Practices. Journal of Consumer Research40(1) : 19–41.

Davis R, Lang B and San Diego J (2014) How gender affects the relationship between hedonic shopping motivation and purchase intentions ? Journal of Consumer Behaviour 13(1) : 18–30.

Dobscha S (2019) Handbook of Research on Gender and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Fischer E (2015) Towards more marketing research on gender inequality. Journal of Marketing Management 31(15–16) : 1718–1722.

Gazalé O (2017) The Myth of Manliness: A Trap for Both Sexes. Paris: Robert Laffont.

Gurrieri L, Previte J and Brace-Govan J (2013) Women’s Bodies as Sites of Control : Inadvertent Stigma and Exclusion in Social Marketing. Journal of Macromarketing 33(2) : 128–143.

Hearn J and Hein W (2015) Reframing gender and feminist knowledge construction in marketing and consumer research : missing feminisms and the case of men and masculinities. Journal of Marketing Management 31(15–16) : 1626–1651.

Maclaran P, Stevens L and Kravets O (eds) (2022) The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism. 1 Edition. Routledge companions in business, management and marketing. New York, NY : Routledge.

Martam I (2016) Strategic social marketing to foster gender equality in Indonesia. Journal of Marketing Management32(11–12) : 1174–1182.

Peñaloza L, Prothero A, McDonagh P, et al. (2023) The Past and Future of Gender Research in Marketing : Paradigms, Stances, and Value-Based Commitments. Journal of Marketing 87(6) : 847–868.

Schroeder JE and Borgerson JL (2015) Critical visual analysis of gender : reactions and reflections. Journal of Marketing Management 31(15–16) : 1723–1731.

Schroeder JE and Zwick D (2004) Mirrors of Masculinity : Representation and Identity in Advertising Images. Consumption Markets & Culture 7(1) : 21–52.

Thompson CJ and Üstüner T (2015) Women Skating on the Edge : Marketplace Performances as Ideological Edgework. Journal of Consumer Research 42(2) : 235–265.



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