No more hassle and complications – Diploma exam appointments are digital 2024-09-30 12:24:48

In particular, the interested parties belonging to any of the Regional Units of the Attica Region, either themselves or their authorized trainers, now have the possibility to enter from their mobile phone (smart phone), tablet or computer at the electronic address : and choose the day and time of the theoretical and practical driving test they want.

On the occasion of the launch of the platform, the Regional Governor of Attica, Nikos Hardalias, states that: “Today, the Attica Region is taking an important step towards the complete modernization of its services, just as we had promised. With the new digital exam planning platform for prospective drivers, we eliminate the inconvenience of citizens, improve the quality of services and fight the phenomena of corruption”.

And he adds: “Transparency and reliability are our main priorities. We are here to serve the citizens of the basin, eliminating any interference phenomena. Now, prospective drivers and their instructors will be able to schedule their exams easily, quickly and with total transparency, without the need for physical presence and complex procedures. The Region of Attica will continuously offer modern, friendly and reliable solutions”.

The application “Digital programming of theoretical and practical examination of driver candidates and drivers” was developed after a proposal of the General Directorate of Transport and Communications with the assistance of the Independent Directorate of Online Information and Digital Service. Since September 20, when the driving schools were informed about the imminent operation of the platform, more than 700 training centers have been registered, the vast majority of whose representatives attended the relevant online seminar. The requests for examination appointments for theoretical and practical test driver candidates already exceed 4,700. From the first processing of the data, it appears that 62.2% of the appointments made by the driving schools concern theoretical exams and 37.8% practical exams. Finally, regarding the areas where the exams are held, the majority concerns the Central and Western Sector of Athens, followed in order by the Southern Sector of Athens, Piraeus, the Northern Sector of Athens, Eastern Attica and Western Attica.

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