Three candidates are targeting Jacques Gerber’s seat in the Jura government

Three candidates are targeting Jacques Gerber’s seat in the Jura government

Three candidates are entering the supplementary election for the Jura government to fill the seat vacated by PLR’s Jacques Gerber: Green candidate Pauline Godat, Center candidate Stéphane Theurillat, and Pascal Prince from the HelvEthica movement.

The only certainty regarding the application submission deadline is that the PLR will not be part of the executive next year. The candidates from the Center and the Greens are considered strong contenders. If there is a tie, a second round will take place on December 15, as clarified by the State Chancellery on Monday.

Read also: To succeed Jacques Gerber, the Jura Socialist Party decides to support the Greens

The goal of the Center is to regain its second seat that was lost in 2020. The Greens, supported by the Socialist Party and CS-POP, aim to shift the executive towards a left-wing majority.

Initially, it seemed we were headed for a left-right confrontation until the HelvEthica movement, which emerged during the pandemic and opposes health measures, entered the race for the supplementary election on November 24.

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Upcoming Complementary Election for the Jura Government

Three candidates are set to compete in the complementary election to fill the seat left vacant by former PLR member Jacques Gerber: Pauline Godat from the Green Party, Stéphane Theurillat representing the Center, and Pascal Prince of the HelvEthica movement. As the election date approaches, the political landscape in Jura is becoming increasingly dynamic and competitive.

Key Candidates and Their Platforms

1. Pauline Godat – Green Party

Pauline Godat, representing the Green Party, aims to bring a progressive agenda focused on sustainability and environmental protection to the Jura government. Supported by the Socialist Party and CS-POP, she hopes to shift the executive towards a left-wing majority. The Green Party’s platform includes:

  • Enhancing environmental policies
  • Promoting social equality and inclusion
  • Fostering sustainable economic practices

2. Stéphane Theurillat – Center Party

Stéphane Theurillat, of the Center Party, is focused on reclaiming the second seat lost in the 2020 elections. His campaign emphasizes centrist policies that appeal to a broad spectrum of voters. Key points in Theurillat’s platform include:

  • Strengthening local economies
  • Improving public services
  • Encouraging collaboration between various political entities

3. Pascal Prince – HelvEthica Movement

Pascal Prince, representing the HelvEthica movement, is a newcomer to the political arena. Born out of the pandemic’s controversies, this movement opposes stringent health measures and aims to prioritize individual freedoms. Key aspects of Prince’s campaign focus on:

  • Promoting personal freedoms and individual rights
  • Advocating for transparency in government decisions
  • Addressing citizens’ concerns regarding health policies

Current Political Climate

The forthcoming complementary election, scheduled for November 24, is notable not just for the candidates but for the broader political implications. The only certainty is that the PLR will no longer occupy a seat in the executive committee next year, creating a vacuum that candidates from the Center and the Greens are eager to fill.

The State Chancellery has confirmed that in the event of a tie, a second round of voting will take place on December 15. This adds another layer of intrigue to an already competitive election cycle.

Political Dynamics and Allies

With the support of the Socialist Party, the Greens are optimistic about their chances. They aim to create a left-wing coalition that could influence the government’s policies significantly. In contrast, the Center seeks to regain its footing within the Jura government following its loss in the last election.

The emergence of the HelvEthica movement could disrupt a potential left-right conflict, offering voters a unique alternative that focuses heavily on individual liberties. As the political climate shifts, here are a few dynamics playing out:

  • Coalition Possibilities: The Greens’ alliance with the Socialist Party could bolster their efforts, while the Center might need to strategize to counteract this partnership.
  • Public Sentiment: Voter attitudes towards health measures and individual rights could sway the election in favor of HelvEthica’s message.
  • Potential for Unforeseen Outcomes: The upcoming election underscores the unpredictability of Jura’s political sphere.

Historical Context

The political landscape in Jura has seen many shifts in recent years. The loss of the PLR’s seat marks a significant turning point as the landscape becomes more polarized. The challenging dynamics of the Jura government underscore the importance of coalition-building and voter engagement in shaping the future direction of the political process.

Implications for Jura’s Future

The outcomes of the complementary election will not only determine the representation in the Jura government but also set the tone for future political interactions and policy decisions. With key areas such as climate change, social policies, and health measures at stake, every candidate’s vision will resonate across various sectors of the community.

Important Dates

Date Event
November 24 Complementary Election
December 15 Second Round (if necessary)

Engagement and Voter Participation

It is essential for the citizens of Jura to engage actively in the electoral process. Here are some tips to enhance participation:

  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of candidate platforms and upcoming election activities.
  • Encourage Dialogue: Discuss with peers to understand different perspectives and the implications of each candidate’s policies.
  • Cast Your Vote: Make your voice heard on Election Day and participate actively in shaping Jura’s political future.


As the election date approaches, the excitement and anticipation grow among the electorate. With three distinct candidates, each presenting unique visions for the future, the November 24 election promises to be a pivotal moment for the Jura government.



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