The most popular businesses that entrepreneurs in the US want to start.

Owning a business is the dream of many people, according to the US Small Business Administration, there are more than 33.3 million small businesses throughout the country.

The HostingAdvice portal analyzed Google search data and surveyed entrepreneurs to identify the most popular businesses they want to start.

Popular businesses by state

Entrepreneurs in the United States have diverse interests when starting small businesses.

E-commerce dominates, with online boutiques being the most popular in 11 statesincluyendo Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Tennessee y Texas.

Transportation-related businesses are the most popular in 10 states, including Alaska, Delaware, Montana and Rhode Island.

Other notable businesses include cleaning services (Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina and Pennsylvania), Etsy stores (Colorado, Michigan and Minnesota), and lawn care (Kansas, Missouri and Vermont).

Vending machine businesses are popular throughout much of the Northeast, including New York, Maryland and New Jersey.

The rest of the country shows interest in opening consulting companies, beauty salons and cafes.

List of the most popular businesses by state

–Alabama: online boutique
–Alaska: transport
– Arizona: clothing brand
– Arkansas: online boutique
–California: seller on Amazon
–Colorado: Etsy shop
–Connecticut: online boutique
–Delaware: transport
–Florida: clothing brand
–Georgia: cleaning
-Hawaii: transport
–Idaho: transport
–Illinois: cleaning
–Indiana: cleaning
–Iowa: online boutique
-Kansas: lawn care
–Kentucky: online boutique
-Louisiana: online boutique
–Maine: transport
–Maryland: vending machines
–Massachusetts: business consulting
–Michigan: Etsy shop
–Minnesota: Etsy shop
– Mississippi: online boutique
– Measurements: lawn care
–Montana: transport
–Nebraska: boutique
–Nevada: vending machines
–North Dakota: home beauty salon
-New Jersey: vending machines
–New Mexico: transport
-New York: vending machines
-North Carolina: cleaning
–Dakota del Sur: transport
–Ohio: cleaning
-Oklahoma: online boutique
-Oregon: Etsy shop
-Pennsylvania: cleaning
–Rhode Island: transport
-South Carolina: online boutique
–Tennessee: online boutique
–Texas: online boutique
–Utah: Etsy shop
–Vermont: lawn care
–Virginia: business consulting
–Washington: cafe
–Virginia Occidental: lawn care
–Wisconsin: cleaning
–Wyoming: lawn care

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