this is how the spies hit the League –

Rita Cavallaro

From the shadow of the ‘Ndrangheta to the summer of Papeete, up to the affairs with Russia. It is the obsession of the spies for the League, as emerges from the new documents of the dossier investigation, which report all the abusive accesses that the financier Pasquale Striano perpetrated from 2018 to 2022, sifting on request the names of the big names of the party of Matteo Salvini to provide L’Espresso-Domani journalists with confidential documents for their exclusives. A flood of investigations, to thicken the shadows over the Northern League and undermine the credibility of a political force which, at that juncture, was experiencing a crucial moment. And the spasmodic intrusions of the head of the Anti-Mafia wormhole begin precisely with the exploit of that 17.4 percent in the political elections that had consecrated Salvini as the most loved leader of the center-right. In the monstrous documentation sent by Striano to the chronicler Giovanni Tizian, 337 documents covered by secrecy, a conspicuous amount of which concerns files on the 38 members of the League, the most closely documented party.

Salvini and the League the most spied on of all:

The first SOS, consulted illegally on 21 May 2018 and immediately transmitted to the journalist friend, is called “Lazzari” or, as the spy team defines him, “the manager of the League’s financial mysteries”. Thus began the Russiagate operation, the focus of the dossier centre, which continued until the scandal broke out. And it is accompanied by a series of articles aimed at casting the shadow of the ‘ndrine on Salvini’s party, in an imaginative plot to involve various members of the Northern League with leading figures of the underworld. From the boom in consensus in Rosarno, the stronghold of the Pesce and Bellocco clans, to the six files sent from Striano to Tizian, with the subject “straw… you will find namesakes”. But the Pagliuso the reporter is interested in is Antonio, a heavy name because he is believed to be an affiliate of the ‘Ndrangheta, involved in the drug ring. In the information sent by the spy there is the right recipe for preparing the dossier, since there are interceptions that record it while Salvini is on tour in Calabria to celebrate the electoral victory of 4 March 2018. Pagliuso says he voted for the candidate Domenico Furgiuele and adds that he went to the house of the politician’s brother “the day before Salvini came”.

Since Prodi's time, the Anti-Mafia has been involved in politics, so Laudati tries to save himself from the investigation

There are numerous illicit intrusions by Striano with the relative transmission of confidential documents on the issue of the 49 million to Tizian, who in February 2019 signed together with the other suspect Stefano Vergine «The black book of the League», a volume in which, in addition to the case of electoral reimbursements by Umberto Bossi, the authors retrace the electoral victory of Salvini who, “to break through in the South, surrounded himself with dubious characters”. To continue the mud campaign against the League, the spy financier obsessively searched the names of the party’s leading exponents and pulled Gianluca Savoini out of the hat in the summer of Papeete, when Salvini and his policy of closed ports had brought the then Minister of the Interior to end up in the crosshairs of the judiciary, as demonstrated by Luca Palamara’s chat with the chief prosecutor of Viterbo, Paolo Auriemma, precisely regarding the political line of the Interior Ministry on landings. If Auriemma underlined that he didn’t see “where Salvini is going wrong”, Palamara replied: “In any case he should be attacked”. A joint political, judicial and media attack, which led to the Papeete trap, with the fall of Count 1. And to a morbid obsession of Striano & Co, which only ended when Guido Crosetto’s complaint opened Pandora’s box of the Anti-Mafia.

If spies are faster than the law

#spies #hit #League #Tempo
2024-09-30 09:56:15



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