The most prominent interests of the weekly economic press…Digital Morocco 2030 and the Bank of Morocco’s policy stimulates the Moroccan economy

Agadir 24 | Agadir24

The launch of the “Digital Morocco 2030” strategy, the recent decision of the Bank of Morocco regarding monetary policy, and improving the business climate and Chinese direct investments in Morocco were the most important topics that received the attention of the weekly economic press.

Thus, “Challenge” highlighted the national strategy for digital acceleration, “Digital Morocco 2030,” which was launched last Wednesday, stressing that digitization is no longer just an option for Morocco, especially with the goal of consolidating its position as an African leader in this field.

The author of the article pointed out that “the “Digital Morocco 2030” program provides a general and comprehensive framework for working on this ambition, provided that all actors are fully involved in it,” adding that this new strategy differs from its predecessors in its general and integrated approach that includes a wide range of sectors, starting with public services. Entrepreneurship, training, startups, cloud computing, communications, and artificial intelligence.

Addressing the same topic, La Vie Eco indicated that the “Digital Morocco 2030” strategy, which aims to raise the Kingdom to the level of global digital standards, is divided into two basic goals.

The weekly explained that the first goal focuses on the digitization of public services, with the aim of providing better service to citizens and businesses, while the second is based on stimulating the digital economy, through three basic aspects, represented in outsourcing, digital export, emerging companies, and the digitization of businesses.

For its part, “Finance News Hebdo” (FNH) paid attention to the recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Morocco, which considered it appropriate to maintain the current direction of monetary policy, and therefore decided to keep the key interest rate unchanged at 2.75 percent, while continuing to monitor Closely monitor the development of the economic and social situation.

The newspaper quoted the Central Bank as saying that the decision to keep the main interest rate unchanged at 2.75 percent takes into account several elements, including lowering the directions of the 2025 finance bill and continuing negotiations within the framework of social dialogue, which could lead to greater than expected effects on… Evolution of demand and prices.

On the other hand, the newspaper highlighted business climate reforms, noting that the Minister Delegate in charge of Investment, Conservatism and Public Policy Evaluation, Mohsen Jazouli, indicated that 44 percent of the strategic roadmap initiatives aimed at improving the business climate during the period 2023-2026 have been completed.

She added, “The Minister explained that these initiatives include accelerating the simplification of administrative procedures, enhancing transparency in all stages of awarding public contracts, setting performance deadlines, and establishing contracts electronically.”

For its part, the newspaper “La Vie Echo” indicated that Chinese direct investments in Morocco are on a regular upward trend, in parallel with the strengthening of relations and mutual trust between the two countries.

The author of the article stressed that “Morocco is increasingly imposing itself as a preferred destination for Chinese investors,” adding that investment projects in the Kingdom, which are overseen by major Chinese groups, are increasing in strategic sectors with high added value, such as electric car batteries, renewable energies, car spare parts, and textiles.

On another topic, “Challenge” discussed the semi-annual results of the Office Chérifien des Phosphates group, which achieved strong financial performance, especially characterized by double-digit growth in its main indicators.

The same source stated that these results are mainly due to relying on the increasing production capacity of fertilizers to meet the rapidly growing global demand in many strategic markets, while improving the efficiency of its production and operations, across the entire value chain, highlighting that the group’s turnover increased by 15.14 percent to 43. 2 billion dirhams.

#prominent #interests #weekly #economic #press…Digital #Morocco #Bank #Moroccos #policy #stimulates #Moroccan #economy
2024-09-30 09:32:10



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