What does the number “143” that young people send to each other on WhatsApp and TikTok mean?

Young people are increasingly communicating with numbers on social networks.

Secret codes have always fascinated younger generations, and this allows them to communicate in a discreet and fun way with those around them. In recent months, a new trend has emerged on social networks – particularly WhatsApp and TikTok: the use of strings of numbers to express feelings or messages.

The most popular code is undoubtedly “143”, which simply means “I love you” in English. Its deciphering is based on the number of letters in each word: 1 for “I”, 4 for “love” and 3 for “you”. This simple but ingenious trick allows young people to express their feelings in a coded way, which also adds a certain touch of mystery to their conversations.

Other digital combinations have also appeared on social networks – each carrying a specific message. For example, the “1437” adds a dimension of eternity to the declaration of love, meaning “I love you forever” (the 7 representing the seven letters of “forever”).

We can also cite “666”, which contrary to its usual connotation, is used as a calming message for someone in a stressful situation. The “687” is used to apologize, often in the context of a couple’s argument.




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