Entrepreneurial initiatives in Galicia have accessed free marketing services with Alento

He Communication Cluster of Galicia and the Department of Employment, Trade and Emigration they launched the program Encouragement, impetus to communication to undertakea project that has been aimed at giving entrepreneurial initiatives in Galicia access to a catalog of communication and marketing services for freewith the aim of improving how their products or services are perceived, promoting them or knowing how to establish connections with customers.

The program was aimed at entrepreneurial initiatives (both self-employed professionals such as small businesses) that they had their origin in Galiciafrom any sector. Furthermore, these initiatives had to have a age of at least 12 months and at most 42 months.

Preference was given to projects linked to the Network of Entrepreneurship and Support Poles of the Xunta de Galicia. At the time of application they had to choose one of the 10 services offered by the Alento catalog available on the website as well as the company in charge of providing it.

This company is linked to the Cluster of the Communication from Galicia. The application submission period began on July 9 and ended on July 19, both included. The presentation was made telematic form on the program’s website.

In this way, the Alento program has sought to offer entrepreneurial initiatives tools so that, in a highly competitive market, they can achieve generate value among its customers and maintain a differentiating offer with strong and sustainable brands. For these objectives, communication and marketing were essential areas. The professionals and companies of the Galician Communication Cluster thus put themselves at the service of new talents and ideas to provide experience and innovation.

Alento is powered by Communication Cluster of Galicia and the Department of Employment, Trade and Emigrationintegrated into the annual program of activities of the Center for Entrepreneurship Guidance, Support and Innovation for Employment in Galiciawithin the framework of the recovery, transformation and resilience project financed by the European Union- Nextgeneration EU.

Learning from mistakes, an event for entrepreneurs

La pofficial presentation of the program was last July, with the event Things that didn’t go well: confessions of communicators, where members of the Galician Communication Cluster shared their experience as entrepreneurs through mistakes or complicated situations they faced, as well as the lessons they learned from these experiences.

During the presentation, Pablo Fernández, General Secretary of Employment and RRLL, participated; Marta Mariño, General Director of Self-Employed Work and Social Economy and Alberto Garnil, president of the Communication Cluster of Galicia. Who also shared anecdotes from their careers before an audience of entrepreneurs.

“Perfect opportunity to position our corporate identity”

Some users of this program participate in Alento with entrepreneurial initiatives such as Alalá S. Coop. Galega and they decided to embark on this initiative because “we saw that it was a perfect opportunity for position our corporate identity and services through an updated website”.

“I believe that today, any person or entity that undertakes a business should know the resources that exist for advice and support. Intermediaries such as Porriño Entrepreneurship Center, the eusumo Network, EspazoCoop, and others that provide excellent advisory services with which they can create a map/network of support,” users explain.

Others have managed to work in companies such as The Sweet thanks to Alento: “We are delighted with them, we are lucky to find people like Raquel and Jose. We are very happy.” In this sense, these users have argued that initiatives similar to Alento are necessary to promote new businesses because “they are essential to position or help ventures from marketing or communication.”



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