Dariusz Barski speaks out after the Supreme Court’s ruling. “I am still a national prosecutor”

Prosecutor Barski takes the floor: Dariusz Barski commented on the ruling of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court. – I believe that I am still a national prosecutor. The actions of the Prosecutor General, which de facto removed me from my position, had no legal basis. Today the Supreme Court confirmed it, said the prosecutor quoted by Interia.

Decision of the judges of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court: The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court found on Friday that the appointment of Barski to the position of National Prosecutor was legally effective. Justice Minister Adam Bodnar later stated that the Supreme Court’s decision was issued by unauthorized persons and therefore has no legal effects. The National Prosecutor’s Office took a similar position in a statement.

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“Selective questioning”: – This is a simple method of ignoring the Supreme Court’s ruling, because in this position the PK does not refer to the essence of the case at all. (…) We have the Supreme Court, and the questioned judgments issued by judges appointed after 2017 are selective, said Barski. – For example, the Prosecutor General did not question the ruling on the validity of the elections, thanks to which he currently holds this position, and yet this ruling on the validity of the elections was issued by, in his understanding, “neo-judges” – he added.

Barski’s dismissal: In January this year, Adam Bodnar dismissed Dariusz Barski from the position of National Prosecutor. He justified the decision by Zbigniew Ziobro’s incorrect reinstatement of Barski to prosecutorial service on February 16, 2022. It was to be based on the transitional provisions of the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which were no longer in force at that time.

You can read more about the chaos surrounding the position of the national prosecutor in the article: “Criminal judge on the ruling in the Barski case: I have serious doubts about the consequences”

Sources: Interior, AGAIN



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