What will Claudia Sheinbaum do on her first day as president?

What will Claudia Sheinbaum do on her first day as president?

MEXICO CITY.- Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo will become the next October 1 first female president of the countrybut what will he do on the first day of his mandate?

Activities of Claudia Sheinbaum on her first day as president

The future president’s agenda He points out that the Session of the General Congress in which he will protest will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

He Tuesday October 1the order of the day begins with the attendance list and the declaration of quorum of Congress, continues with the intervention of legislators from each parliamentary group to give rise to the constitutional protest of Claudia Sheinbaum to end with a message and the singing of the National Anthem .

Then, at 4:00 p.m., the first president will go to the Zócalo, where will address your first message under the presidential inauguration.

Indigenous people will hand over the baton to Claudia Sheinbaum

There the Ceremony of the Indigenous Peoples and the Afro-Mexican People will be held for the delivery of the Staff of Command.

He will then lead a reception with all the leaders and guests to attend his inauguration at the National Palace.

The next day, Wednesday October 2the federal president will begin with her first morning on the occasion of the anniversary of the Tlatelolco massacre.

Claudia Sheinbaum measures the presidential sash

The president-elect shared images of the taking action with the presidential bandprior to his inauguration on October 1.

On her X account (formerly Twitter), the brunette broadcast a video where she talks about meaning of being the first president of Mexico in history.

“I share an interview. We are living in stellar times in the history of Mexico. It is the Fourth Transformation”, reads the description.

In it minute 20 and 44 seconds You can see a fragment in which Claudia Sheinbaum tries on the presidential sash, accompanied by military women, who make the adjustments so that the fabric sash is custom-made.

Where will Claudia Sheinbaum take office?

On October 1, the change of power will take place in the Chamber of Deputies, which will meet as a general Congress for Claudia Sheinbaum to take possession of the Presidency.

The first president in the history of the country will enter the Lower House through the main entrance, where will be received by a reception and courtesy commission made up of six deputies and six senators.

This same commission will receive the still president Andrés Manuel López Obrador and will take it to the plenary session before the president-elect arrives.

Before AMLO enters the session room, a escort will honor him for the last time as President acting.

On the other hand, the president-elect will salute the Flag when she arrives, but they will not honor her until she leaves, already invested as national leader.

How many guests will there be at Claudia Sheinbaum’s investiture?

To receive Claudia Sheinbaum, at the entrance there will be cadet fences of the Heroic Military College. López Obrador will enter the meeting room first and then the president-elect.

Inside the room there will be 628 legislators, including deputies and senators, plus 900 guests special events of the president-elect, among diplomats, religious figures and civil society.

The governors will be in the boxes and the invited heads of state.

With information from El Universal

#Claudia #Sheinbaum #day #president
2024-09-30 04:50:24



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