Jorge D’Odorico, a leading figure in the real estate market, passed away – La Nación


The real estate community is deeply shocked by the surprising lossat 61 years old. from a man recognized for his professionalism, enthusiasm and good energy: Jorge D’Odorico, owner of the homonymous real estate company who was born in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Caballito in the early eighties.

Jorge He was the youngest and “most spoiled” of five brothers. who inherited from their father their passion for properties, which started in the Villa Lugano neighborhood. Jorge decompensated while running through the woods of Palermo, an activity he did frequently. He was taken to the Fernández hospital, but professionals could not revive him.

Jorge led the real estate company of the same name with his brother Luis, a company that became one of the most important in Caballito, today expanded to other neighborhoods with a focus on Palermo and Belgrano. Furthermore, since May it was the secretary of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Automobile Club (ACA)a responsibility that he had faced with great enthusiasm like everything he did in his life. Since 2008 he had been part of the club, where he had assumed different positions in the Real Estate Advisory Commission, the Assembly of Delegates and the Board of Directors.

Jorge D’Odorico with his wife, Valeria, enjoying one of his passions, tennis

Valeria’s life partnerhis wife and the mother of his two children, “light of his eyes”, Martin and LucasJorge was a man recognized by his friends and loved ones for his empathy, energy, joy and permanent smile. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this moment with my son Martín. “This is a great emotion for me,” he said goodbye to the last Summit organized by THE NATION in early July of this year, which he attended with his eldest son. “He is an entrepreneur,” he reinforced with emotion, referring to Guardian Capital, a company dedicated to financial advice founded by his eldest son.

Jorge D’Odorico, with his son Martín, at the Real Estate Summit organized by LA NACION at the beginning of last JulyFabian Marelli

I was very happy, we asked Eduardo for a photo”recalls Norberto Lepore, founder of the real estate company of the same name, who started his professional career with Jorge almost at the same time. “We met when we were 20 years old. We were competitors, but soon we became friends,” he adds with emotion, remembering that they were the “youngest” of the real estate group. “At that time the strongest in the Caballito neighborhood was Toselli Fuentes and we watched him from afar, until we grew up and more than once they confused us, they came to the office and called me D’Odorico,” the conversation continues with THE NATION Lepore.

Jorge D’Odorico, along with Eduardo Costantini and Norberto Lepore at the LA NACION event

Sports fan, especially tennis“Jorge did not miss any Roland Garros,” remember his friends from “Historical”, the WhatsApp group formed by real estate brokers with vast experience ranging from Carlos D’Odorico – Jorge’s brother – and Armando Pepe to Chiche Ginevra, Jorge Toselli and Roberto Guichon, among other references who enjoy meeting once a month.

Jorge, along with Roberto Guichon and Jorge Antúnez Vega, “smiling” as always

“I’m devastated, he was an extraordinary guy, with a desire to live”reflects Armando Pepe, and remembers that Jorge was a member of the political group he founded: Futuro Inmobiliario. “He was a born optimist, I never saw him without a smile,” describes Jorge Antúnez Vega, one of the people in the sector closest to Jorge and with an endearing personal relationship even between the families. In fact, both were witnesses of the marriage and Antúnez Vega is the godfather of their son Martín.

Jorge D’Odorico, at one of the many parties shared 20 years ago

During the nineties and part of the 2000s, Jorge was also part of the Argentine chapter of Fiabcia global organization representing real estate professionals. A space that allowed him to share experiences with colleagues in destinations such as Paris, Chicago and Switzerland, to name just a few.

“He was an exemplary father, very concerned about his children and their education”remembers Antúnez Vega, who last met him at the BA Art event organized by Zonaprop a little over a month ago, and now about to embark on his trip to Buenos Aires from Punta del Este, to say goodbye to his friend.

Jorge D’Odorico with his family

Remembered for his unforgettable smile, his spark, his joy, strength and his ability to enjoy every moment of his life.his colleagues remember when at a mask party organized weeks before the pandemic he was the master of ceremony host in which he animated and destructured each of the moments with his jokes and comments.

Your smile, never absent

“He was a very empowered man, always willing to participate”concludes the real estate reference Roberto Guichon, dismayed, remembering each of the anecdotes shared on trips when he was world president for the Americas of Fiabci.

Jorge D´Odorico will be farewelled by his family, friends and relatives today at the headquarters of the Automobile Club Argentino, located on Del Libertador and Tagle avenues, between 8 p.m. and 12 p.m.

His remains will be transferred tomorrow at 2 pm to the Memorial.

Conocé The Trust Project



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