Elected officials mobilize for the Dax hospital – Le Petit Journal

Dax University Hospital Credits: Dax University Hospital

“Our hospital, your hospital is sick. » It is with these words that Géraldine Madounari, on behalf of the trade union organizations of the Dax hospital, began her intervention at the last community council of Grand Dax on Wednesday September 25. A banner “No to the recovery plan. No to job and bed cuts. Yes to access to care for all” was deployed during his speech. She spoke of very degraded working conditions with a sharp increase in the number of workplace accidents during the first months of 2024 and deplored “management oriented by figures forgetting that the public service mission is a priority”. She concluded her speech very moved by asking for the adoption of a motion of support for the Dax hospital.

Julien Dubois, president of the Greater Dax agglomeration council and Mayor of Dax, indicated that he had spoken at length with Geneviève Darrieussecq, new minister of health and access to care, “which is not always the case when we want access to ministers.” He hinted that there would be announcements very soon. He had planned to submit a motion of support to the vote of community councilors. It was adopted unanimously, as was the one presented to the Dax municipal council the week before.

It was the same at the municipal council of Saint Paul les Dax the next day. Julien Bazus chose to take up in full the motion on the Dax hospital and the defense of the public health service transmitted by the association of mayors of the Landes. It was adopted unanimously.

It was also in the municipal council of Tyrosse and Vieux-Boucau, just as it will be in many municipalities and EPCI by the end of October.

This mobilization, unions and elected officials, experienced its first success on Thursday September 26 since the Regional Health Agency decided to suspend the recovery plan announced in July. The latter provided for the elimination of 40 full-time equivalent jobs in total, namely medical, paramedical and administrative staff. However, vigilance remains essential since “the financial situation of the Dax hospital must be the subject of vigilance” declared Julien Dubois.




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