The mayor of Athens and candidate for PASOK president Haris Doukas tomorrow morning will be in Amaliada and Pyrgos and in the afternoon in Patras, where at 7 pm he will attend the events for the anniversary of the return of the float of Agios Andreas and at 8 pm he will give a speech at “Royal”.
Some 24 hours before his visit he spoke to Peloponnisos FM 104.1 and the show “Together in the air… good morning!”.
Haris Doukas stated, initially: “Our goal is to rebuild in PASOK the great democratic faction that, by uniting forces in society, will win. I know the agenda we are putting is disturbing. It bothers us to talk about the public electricity company with a capital D, which can keep the tariffs low, instead of talking about their colors. It is disturbing to talk about strengthening the National Social Security with doctors and nurses getting 800 and 900 euros and bankers getting 600,000 euros a year. It is disturbing when we also talk about the strengthening of Education, where now newly appointed teachers and substitute teachers are also paid 800 and 900 euros, while at this juncture the banks, instead of strengthening the possibilities of financing and enhancing liquidity, are giving themselves bonuses them, dividends and indeed with a 5% tax, when all the rest have a 40% tax”.
Haris Doukas also answered whether he can meet the dual duties in the Municipality of Athens and PASOK:
“I am 44 years old. I have been working since I graduated from the Polytechnic. I am on the front lines of the great battles. We struggle in all areas, socially, professionally, academically. Experience is built, but I also believe a lot in people. I have worthy colleagues in the Municipality and the Polytechnic and in PASOK the next day. We like to build teams, support people, create conditions of trust and activate all productive forces. The country cannot take direction from an enlightened leader, from a Messiah. If someone is looking for something like this, let him vote again for Mr. Mitsotakis who told him so and believes it. We have to believe in we, to function as a collective subject, kinetically. This question was not asked of Mr. Androulakis when he was a member of the European Parliament in Brussels and at the same time he was secretary or president of PASOK. There are also the examples of Tzitzikosta and Kamina. This is happening all over Europe. These roles are not contradictory, but complementary. We are not the mayor the beggar, begging the MP, the MP the minister, the minister Maximou and Maximou Mitsotakis in order to get funding. We need to believe in ourselves again. On October 6, we stand tall again.”
#Patras #tonight #Haris #Doukas #agenda #putting #disturbing