Two members of the MCM security team are arrested: Milciades Ávila and Edwin Moya

The Human Rights account of the Vente Venezuela party (DD. HH. Vente) reported this Sunday afternoon that two members of María Corina Machado’s security team, Milciades Ávila and Edwin Moya, were arrested by government troops.

Until now, their whereabouts remain unknown. The Party demanded, in a message from the X network, to know his location and requested his immediate release.

For Milciades Ávila, María Corina’s security chief, it is the second time that the security forces have detained him after being arrested on July 17.

“This new attack is part of the false file put together by the ruling party against all political dissidence and occurs just after recent statements by the regime’s own spokespersons about Machado’s alleged flight from the country,” DD said. HH. Come.

They added that “this is, once again, a scenario of misinformation to further encircle the leader and demoralize the country.”

The Con Vzla and Vente Venezuela Command rejected these arrests and demanded their release and that of all political prisoners.

“This is a violation of human rights and due process, using the force of a repressive State,” they concluded.

With Final Version information

#members #MCM #security #team #arrested #Milciades #Ávila #Edwin #Moya
2024-09-30 01:41:28



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