The career transition training class for outstanding retired athletes in Hunan Province will be completed in 2024, and the champion “teacher” is here

The career transition training class for outstanding retired athletes in Hunan Province will be completed in 2024, and the champion “teacher” is here

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily·New Hunan Client, September 29th (All Media Reporter Ye Zhu, Correspondent Xu Ronglu) “In the past, as athletes, we only needed to train well by ourselves, but in the process of training as school physical education teachers, we need to train students Every action in sports is responsible.” On September 28, the 2024 Hunan Province Outstanding Retired Athletes Career Conversion Training Course concluded. Before the official graduation, 21 outstanding athletes were selected from 39 athletes and entered four schools including Changsha Quantang Middle School, Lijiang Middle School, Yali Yanghu Exhibition Middle School, and Huangxing Middle School for a 15-day internship.

Liu Derong, a retired athlete of the provincial men’s judo team, is an intern at Lijiang Middle School in Changsha City, giving physical education classes to students. (Photo by correspondent Xu Ronglu)

“Pay attention to the position of the hands, with four fingers together, the tiger’s mouth open, and placed on the back edge of the line…” On the 27th, at Lijiang Middle School, Liu Derong, a retired athlete of the provincial men’s judo team, and Luo Jialing, a retired athlete of the provincial women’s weightlifting team, performed the exercises for the students respectively. Provided practical lessons on squatting start and standing triple jump. The two retired athletes are both “post-00s” and have won championships in provincial and national competitions.

After the practical class, Liu Moyi, a student from Lijiang Middle School, couldn’t wait to share with reporters, “They are all teachers who have won championships, and we all admire them. In class, the teacher taught us the stretching and relaxing movements of professional athletes. After doing it, My muscles and bones feel relaxed.”

“In the classroom, I need to interact more with students, and I have also incorporated the warm-up and stretching exercises that I used to do professionally.” Liu Derong told the reporter of Sanxiang Metropolis Daily that many teachers from the physical education group of Lijiang Middle School, Carefully provided guidance for his lesson preparation. “As professional athletes, we are relatively proficient in the knowledge and practice of sports training and can get started quickly. However, we also need to apply and practice more carefully in terms of teaching theory.”

Lan Yueming, the first-year director of Lijiang Middle School, served as a judge and commented on the performance of the retired athletes on the spot. “We inspected the results of the retired athletes’ internship for more than 10 days, mainly based on their mastery of the classroom and the design of the classroom structure. There is also a final effect. At present, our judges are very satisfied with the final effect.” At the same time, Lan Yueming also analyzed the advantages of retired athletes, “They are very sufficient in terms of physical fitness. They come to campus to teach. Through various methods such as warm-up and relaxation, we have also enriched the teaching methods of our teachers at the school.”

It is understood that the retired athletes participating in this training class come from 16 sports including weightlifting, track and field, gymnastics, wrestling, judo, taekwondo, etc. They are taught and tutored by expert professors from sports professional colleges and comprehensive university sports colleges. One month of training and apprenticeship. The reporter learned from the Provincial Sports Talent Exchange Center that these outstanding retired athletes will move into positions such as provincial team coaches, city and state sports school coaches, school physical education teachers or sports coaches, and continue to cultivate, discover and deliver more outstanding athletes to Hunan and the country. Sports talent.

Editor: Ye Zhu

First instance: Ye Zhu

Second trial: Zhu Rong

Third Instance: Zhou Wenbo

Source: Sanxiang Metropolis Daily

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