How to fight the flu with thyme?

2024-09-25 10:32:27

Thanks to Laurence Lebrun, pharmacist-herbalist. His blog:

As soon as the first cold waves arrive, they bring with them their share of illnesses and, among them, the flu epidemic. Every year, 2.5 million French people are affected by this disease, according to Public health France. And once I’m sick, it’s a week of ordeal!

What are the symptoms of the flu?

Fever, headache, cough, stiffness and aches, intense fatigue… flu symptoms are diverse and this highly contagious respiratory viral infection is easily transmitted. In fact, every winter the flu causes seasonal epidemics. To escape it, it’s simple. You just need to adopt the right reflexes:

We wash our hands several times a day. We limit physical contact with patients as much as possible (shaking a hand, kissing the cheek, etc.).

What if we still get caught by the virus? Grandma’s remedies allow you to get rid of it (a little) more quickly and, above all, toalleviate unpleasant symptoms

Thyme: a natural remedy for the flu

A problem related to otolaryngology (ENT)? From colds to flu, bronchitis, coughs and even inflammation of the respiratory tract, there is a very effective natural ingredient: thyme! Antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-infectious and antifungal, the effectiveness of thyme is even recognized by:

the German Commission E (expert committee for medicine, pharmacology, toxicology, herbal medicine) for the treatment of symptoms of bronchitis, whooping cough and inflammation of the respiratory tract. the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as a traditional medicine for dry or wet coughs associated with a cold or bronchitis.

A true natural medicine, thyme is also a general antiseptic. It contains several active ingredients including flavonoids (powerful antioxidants that protect our cells) with antispasmodic properties on the bronchi! Thyme would even be as effective as cough syrup according to an English study from the University of Exeter in England.

Herbal tea against the flu: the recipe

In herbal medicine, we are well aware of the powers of herbal teas and infusions. What if we relied on a plant infusion to fight the flu?! In case of wet cough, stuffy nose, bronchitis (often flu symptoms), prepare an infusion of thymus vulgaris can help you get a little better.

The ingredients:

1 or 2 g of dried thyme or a sprig of thyme (count 10 to 15 g of dried thyme for 1 L of water) Water

The recipe:

Infuse the dried thyme in a cup of boiling water. Drink this infusion at a maximum of 3 cups per day.

On the advice of a therapist, thyme essential oil can be used orally but as there are dozens of thyme essential oils whose indications and contraindications vary greatly, it is imperative to seek the advice of a professional before using it!

Homemade flu syrup: the recipe

Even better than a cough syrup: by combining thyme with onion and honey, the benefits are increased tenfold because its action is then reinforced by the molecules which complement the properties of thyme (especially against coughs).

Ingredients :

1 bottle of sweet white wine, 1 bunch of thyme (organic), 300 g chopped onions, 100 g fir honey.

Utilisation :

Put all the ingredients together in a wide-mouth bottle. Leave to macerate for 1 week. Filter. Recap. Drink in moderation from the first symptoms, at a rate of one glass per day (7 days maximum).

Read also

Why do we get the flu? 10 questions about vaccines and vaccination
#fight #flu #thyme



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