Whooping cough and COVID-19 threaten Polish companies – Poland

Experts and clinicians report that beds are filling up with patients suffering primarily from COVID-19. Many cases of whooping cough (formerly whooping cough) are also a big problem. If we add the flu season to this, there is no doubt that the management boards of Polish companies will face a difficult time in terms of employee absences. This in turn means higher costs.

The COVID-19 wave is no longer a pandemic, but it is still dangerous

When it comes to COVID-19, of course we are not talking about such a large-scale pandemic as has been the case in recent years. However, we must be aware that this disease is still spreading and has slightly different symptoms.

– During the first wave there were waves of fever and fatigue, today there are fewer of them. Now these symptoms confine us to bed more quickly. Remote work is often out of the question, says Monika Rachtan, a medical journalist and author of the blog “Patient First”.

He also warns against the growing problem of whooping cough, a serious disease that makes normal functioning impossible. – Most of us do not realize that the pertussis vaccine needs to be repeated every 10 years – says Rachtan.


Monika Rachtan, medical journalist about whooping cough (polskieradio24.pl) 0:16

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Meanwhile, Poles have not been vaccinated against whooping cough for a long time. And this disease came back, among others. due to the influx of people from Ukraine, where the vaccine is not obligatory. We have also forgotten how to suffer from whooping cough. Any work with him is impossible. First comes the stage of severe fever, after which you lie in bed for several weeks, suffering from a nagging cough. It can be so severe that patients’ ribs crack, and even vomiting is a common occurrence. There are also fatal cases.

In addition, there is the problem of the lack of a vaccine against whooping cough. Currently, only children can count on vaccination.

Back in August, the editors of “Medycyna Practical – Vaccination” confirmed to producers that there were temporary problems with the availability of pertussis vaccines on the commercial market. “The planned resumption of availability of the Boostrix vaccine is the second half of October 2024, and Boostrix Polio – the first half of October 2024,” they wrote. The shortage of the vaccine is confirmed by pharmacists to the “Fakt” daily, who say that the demand for it has increased dramatically and the supply has decreased.

How much can L4 cost an employer?

Both COVID-19, seasonal flu and especially whooping cough pose a serious threat to the functioning of companies. Especially the little ones.

– There are small companies that employ 4 people. If one of them falls ill, the others will also go on sick leave for four weeks and the company may stop operating for several months – says Monika Rachtan.


Monika Rachtan, medical journalist about the risk for companies (polskieradio24.pl) 0:23

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Tikrow experts calculated that an average 2-week leave for a person who earns PLN 4,690 gross may cost the employer up to PLN 7,000. This amount includes not only remuneration, insurance premiums and taxes, but also the costs of replacing the absent employee. With L4, the costs are even higher because such absence is not planned. In addition, it may affect more employees at the same time.

Remote work as a cure for diseases?

Monika Rachtan appeals to restore safety rules in companies, as was the case with COVID-19 in previous years. It is important to remember that not only COVID-19, but also whooping cough and flu are very infectious.

– By acting in this way, we ensure continuity of work in the company. When we have a whooping cough outbreak and the employee is not isolated and, despite feeling very unwell, is not able to work remotely, he will soon destroy the entire team – warns Rachtan.

What is also important is that employers encourage employees to be transparent, i.e. admitting that they are sick with COVID-19. Without this, it will not be possible to take care of the health of others and, consequently, the good functioning of the company.

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