They announce a deficit of 1,200 MW and cuts in essential circuits due to lack of fuel

Cuba’s electrical system continues to face a critical deficit in its generation capacities, with a complicated forecast for the coming hours.

The Electrical Union of Cuba (UNE) reported that for today’s peak hour an availability of 2005 MW is expected, while the maximum demand will reach 3150 MW, which will result in a deficit of 1145 MW. If these conditions continue, they predict an impact of up to 1,215 MW during this period.

The main cause of this deficit is the unavailability of fuel, which significantly affects generation in various plants in Cuba.

Energy crisis in Cuba: 500 MW deficit due to fuel supply problems

In particular, the plant located in Mariel, one of the main sources of energy in western Cuba, is operating with restrictions because a ship with fuel supplies has not been able to access the bay, said the general director of the National Office. Félix Estrada Rodríguez.

Adverse weather conditions, related to the recent effects of Hurricane Helene, have prevented the ship from docking and unloading the fuel necessary to resupply both the plant’s engines and the boats that operate in that area.

According to the information offered, this delay in the supply of fuel causes a critical situation, since it directly affects the generation capacity at a time when energy demand is high.

In addition, the country continues to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which left damage to the electrical infrastructure in several western provinces, such as Pinar del Río, Artemisa and Havana, where work is still being done to recover electrical services.

Regarding additional generation, it is expected that in the next few hours 25 MW will be incorporated from the recovery of a unit at the Energás Varadero plant, in addition to the repair of unit number six of the Antonio Maceo thermoelectric plant in Santiago de Cuba, which would contribute around 50 MW once it is operational again.

Electric companies in Cuba take drastic measures

In this scenario, journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso assured that several provincial electricity companies “adopt drastic measures in response to the situation.”

“In Matanzas, for example, damages are planned for non-switchable circuits (generally associated with hospitals or water pumping areas),” wrote.

#announce #deficit #cuts #essential #circuits #due #lack #fuel



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