“Stop shooting at us.” The trip is incredible –

“Enough with the little games that weaken the progressive camp and end up strengthening the government.” The leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate, Francesco Boccia, spoke like this in an interview with Repubblica. «These days the Democratic Party seems to be the only party interested in not making deals or favors for Meloni. We are the first opposition force, without us there is no alternative, it’s time everyone gets over it. Especially those who lost six points in a year by attacking us rather than the right”, he highlights, sending a clear message to the 5 Star Movement.

On the left the break is incurable. Conte attacks Schlein: this is how you broke up the wide field

As for Giuseppe Conte’s veto of Italia Viva in Liguria, Boccia notes that «promoting the alliance between all the centre-left parties is not a whim of Elly Schlein, it is a fact of reality. In 2022 our divisions allowed Giorgia Meloni to win. Everyone in the Democratic Party has noticed it, the others seem to have stuck to two years ago.” How will you heal the fractures? «If the common objective is to govern the country to remedy the disasters of the right, we must build a strong and credible coalition. But we won’t succeed by shooting at each other”, the answer. «We feel the responsibility of building a coalition capable of beating the worst right ever – continues Boccia – aware that we are not enough alone. For this reason, in the country and in Parliament, we have started working with the other oppositions on the issues that unite us, wages, healthcare, the environment, Europe, and which are more relevant than those that divide us. There is no doubt that there are a series of issues that must be resolved through political discussion and clear choices. We remain convinced that it is wrong to negotiate on principles. For example, seen from the left, the position of the 5 stars on citizenship coincides with that of Matteo Salvini, while for us and for the other progressive forces the security decrees were and are a mistake. Just as the Democratic Party changed its cultural profile with Schlein’s victory in the primaries, I wish the friends of the M5S to do the same with their constituent path.”

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On Matteo Renzi and the centre-left leadership, the dem group leader then underlines: «Let’s think about the issues, not about the names. Iv signed the referendums, fights with us against Autonomy and the premiership, has formed an alliance in the territories without placing vetoes. There remain important distances as on the Jobs act, but time will tell the truth. I think that leadership is not questioned by individuals, but by voters. In politics, numbers count. At 24%, the Democratic Party is the first opposition party and the linchpin of the alternative. It means that there are two options on the pitch, Meloni on one side, Schlein on the other. We need to take sides, without any more ambiguity.” «This phase is very delicate. With two wars going on, the right is giving us 12 billion in debt a year. The world burns and the government destroys Italy. To provide an answer to people’s problems, anything can be done except dividing the center-left. If the common objective is to govern the country to remedy the disasters of the right – concludes Boccia – we must build a strong and credible coalition. Offer the hope of a progressive and reformist alternative capable of dealing with the real needs of citizens, social and civil rights, public schools and hospitals, poor work. But we won’t succeed by shooting at each other.”

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#Stop #shooting #trip #incredible #Tempo
2024-09-30 00:03:13



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