Tender launched to guarantee navigability of the Paraná River

Asunción, IP Agency.- Maintaining the navigability of the Paraná River is a strategic priority for the economic and logistical development of Paraguay. In this context, the Ministry of Public Works launched the national public tender for emergency maintenance dredging of the Paraná River, in the section that extends from Yacyretá to the confluence with the Paraguay River.

The call, identified as Tender ID No. 449,119 – Call MOPC No. 89/2024, seeks to guarantee the continuity and efficiency of river traffic in this vital artery for regional commerce, with an estimated investment of G. 79.7 billion.

Companies interested in this tender may submit their offers until Monday, October 21, 2024 at 09:00, at the Single Entry Table of the MOPC central building, located in Oliva corner Alberdi.

The project is divided into three strategic lots that cover different stretches of the river, from La Patria to Vuelta Itatí, from Hay to Carpinchero, and from Cancha Dorada to Naranjito.

This initiative not only seeks to improve the navigability of the river, but also optimize logistics costs by allowing vessels to operate at full capacity.

The planned dredging volumes are substantial, with quantities ranging between a minimum of 342,857 m³ and a maximum of 632,143 m³, depending on the lot. These maintenance works are crucial to counteract the natural sedimentation that can create sandbanks, reducing the depth of the river and affecting the transit of deep-draft vessels.

Work execution period

The Ministry of Public Works and Communications established an execution period of 26 months to complete these critical works, which will begin upon notification of the start order.

Flexibility is a key component of this project, recognizing the dynamic nature of the river and the possibility of new challenges emerging during the execution period, notes the ministerial portfolio.

The importance of this project transcends national borders, since the Paraná River is a crucial transportation route for regional trade. The adequate maintenance of its navigability will benefit local producers and exporters, strengthening Paraguay’s position as a key player in South American river logistics, also indicates the Ministry of Public Works.

#Tender #launched #guarantee #navigability #Paraná #River
2024-09-29 23:15:22



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