Sophie Auconie leaves for 272 km of Pink Walk against breast cancer

The Pink Walk 2024: A Journey for Breast Cancer Awareness

A long pink ribbon unfolded along the Cher this Sunday, September 29, 2024. With fluorescent chasubles on their backs, several dozen hikers joined Larçay, from Chambray-lès-Tours, for the second stage of the Pink Walk. Led by former MP Sophie Auconie, a breast cancer survivor, this march embodies a powerful commitment to raising awareness and funds during the breast cancer prevention month, Pink October.

This year, the event unfolds in seventeen stages, with each hike spanning approximately fifteen kilometers, covering a total of 272 kilometers and crossing 49 towns. “This year, we can raise up to €20,000,” expresses Auconie, who now dedicates herself to advocating for cancer prevention and screening.

“When I walk, I feel alive”

Four years ago, Véronique, 51, never imagined she would join the Pink March hikers. Her life changed dramatically after a routine mammogram led to a cancer diagnosis. “I went through the whole process: chemo, surgery, radiotherapy, immunotherapy. The reconstruction was completed last February,” she shares softly, standing at the edge of a field. “A test.”

Since her diagnosis, the pink ribbon has captivated her as an emblem of hope and awareness. “It triggers conversation, makes it easier to talk about it, and that’s important,” she believes. Each stage of this march serves as a meeting point between hikers, elected officials, and residents, fostering community and support.

The stages of the Pink March create opportunities for meaningful conversations.
© (NR Photo, Mariella Esvant)

“Cancer is not a shameful disease,” Sophie Auconie reminds her troop during a break at the park of the Cangé estate in Saint-Avertin. With passion, she emphasizes the need to discuss cancer as a journey of survival: “Most people think of cancer only as suffering and death, but we are treating it better today. Almost nine breast cancers out of ten now have positive outcomes. I want to live! I feel alive when walking!”

At the end of their 13 km walk near the port of Graviers, the Pink March raised over €2,000 thanks to sponsorship and community partnerships. “The more people we have, the more we can collect for patient support associations and research,” Auconie emphasizes. She plans to continue this journey, lacing up her pink sneakers to lead another ribbon of walkers.

The Pink March Schedule

The Pink Walk offers several hikes throughout the month of October. Mark your calendars to participate, support, and raise awareness!

Date Starting Point Destination
September 30 Noizay Village Hall Amboise
October 4 Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines Village Hall Villedômer
October 5 Place de l’Église de Monthodon Château-Renault
October 6 Association House in La Membrolle-sur-Choisille Luynes
October 8 Sorigny Hall Tauxigny
October 11 Villeperdue Station Car Park Villeperdue
October 12 Place de l’Église de Rochecorbon Vouvray
October 13 Restigné Association Hall Coteaux-sur-Loire
October 18 Savonnières Picnic Area Langeais
October 19 Place du Marché-aux-Légumes in Loches Chédigny
October 20 Place du Marché in Ballan-Miré Artannes
October 21 Pernay Council Chambers Charentilly
October 25 Bernadette-Delprat Room in La Ville-aux-Dames Tours Prefecture
October 26 Place du Marché in Esvres Courçay
October 27 Chambon Village Hall La Guerche

Benefits of Participating in the Pink Walk

  • Awareness: Participation raises awareness about breast cancer and its prevention.
  • Community Support: Engage with community members and survivors who share their experiences and encourage one another.
  • Physical Exercise: Enjoy hiking as a form of physical activity enhancing your wellbeing.
  • Fundraising: Proceeds support cancer research and local associations assisting patients and families.

Personal Stories from the Hikers

Numerous participants have stories that resonate. Véronique’s journey from diagnosis to recovery exemplifies the courage and strength many find through these hikes. Each step not only represents a physical gain but is also a metaphorical step towards awareness and hope.

Moments like these highlight how a simple act of walking can transform lives, bridging connections among survivors and supporters, cultivating a culture of resilience and positivity.

Get Involved

Join the Pink March in your town and contribute to raising awareness about breast cancer. Whether you walk, volunteer, or sponsor, your participation matters. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

For more details, follow the Pink March on Facebook and stay informed about upcoming events and how to get involved.



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