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A trip to the mountains ends fatally for a 37-year-old hiker. Despite the quick response of first responders and rescue workers, the man could not be saved. © Markus Leitner / BRK Berchtesgadener Land district association

A tragic accident on the Untersberg costs a young man his life. Despite the efforts of first responders and rescue workers, any help came too late.

Bischofswiesener Forst – A tragic accident occurred on Sunday morning, September 29th. A 37-year-old hiker from the Freising district fell while descending from the Stöhrhaus over the Almsteig on the west side of the Untersberg. The man apparently slipped on a rain-soaked root and fell about 80 meters through steep craggy terrain to the Dongus Marterl. He stayed there.

Fatal mountain accidents occur again and again in Bavaria – a sad conclusion was only drawn at the end of August.

Hiker slips – and falls into the depths: first aiders on the scene

A trainee doctor and a police officer discovered the seriously injured man and immediately made an emergency call. They tried to save him with resuscitation measures. The rescue helicopter “Christoph 14” was alerted together with the mountain rescue services in Bad Reichenhall and Teisendorf-Anger. Just a few minutes after the alarm, the helicopter crew dropped off an emergency doctor to the patient. Unfortunately, all she could determine was the man’s death. The accident victim was part of an international hiking group of around 30 people.

The helicopter “Christoph 14” brought a total of three mountain rescuers and two police mountain guides from the Alpine task force to the scene of the accident in several approaches and flew the doctor back to the valley. The emergency services looked after the affected members of the hiking group, prepared the deceased for removal and documented the exact course of the accident.

After a fatal mountain accident: Crisis intervention team takes care of hikers

The police helicopter “Edelweiß 2” was called in and flew two affected hikers into the valley, each accompanied by a mountain rescuer. Another mountain rescuer accompanied the remaining affected hikers into the valley on foot. A total of ten members of the hiking group were taken to the Reichenhall mountain rescue station. Two crisis advisors from the mountain rescue service’s crisis intervention service looked after her there.

The “Edelweiß 2” helicopter transported the deceased to the Tallandeplatz at Eisenrichter and then picked up the two police mountain guides. A total of ten mountain rescuers were on duty for around three hours.



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