9/27: General Strike against the genocide in Palestine and for the end of commercial relations with Israel. – CGT

More than 200 union and social organizations support the call for a general strike in solidarity with the Palestinian people and the end of commercial relations with the State of Israel on September 27.

The call for a general strike and day of struggle launched by the unions CGT and Workers Solidarity for tomorrow, September 27 does not stop adding support and adhesions, exceeding the number of more than 200 organizations who have publicly shown their support. In addition to the union forces that have taken up the call, other unions have shown their support in some localities and territories, such as CNT, Co.bas, CUP, CSO, SOA, MATS, STE, STEPE, USEA, CTA and SAT . Thanks to all of them, many workplaces are talking about what is happening in Palestine and Lebanon, a genocide that we refuse to normalize and forget. It is also worth highlighting the incorporation of numerous social groups that have assumed the event as their own. Palestinian organizations and platforms of solidarity with Palestine from all territories, anti-racist groups including Regularizacion Ya, solidarity with migrants such as the Manteros Union, defense of human rights, ecologists and environmental defense, as well as numerous social centers and groups, anti-fascist, housing defense, pensioner associations, public health defense, political parties and political associations, professional associations, pacifist and anti-militarist organizations, as well as unions, student assemblies and camps, networks of university professors, ateneos, feminist and transfeminist groups, for sexual diversity, assemblies of different neighborhoods, newspapers, bookstores, foundations and memorial associations.

Pickets, rallies and demonstrations have been called for tomorrow throughout the Spanish State. and there will be numerous acts of repudiation of the role of the criminal Government of Israel and the military and financial collaboration of our Government. The strike of September 27 is a collective cry against the genocide and impunity that is occurring in Palestine and Lebanon, of which we refuse to be collaborators due to the inaction of the international community. What is happening is an attack on international law, a massive ethnic cleansing that has not been seen for years in a situation of apartheid and extermination that has been going on for decades and that results in a global context of impunity in the face of a daily massacre that places us at the edge of an abyss of widespread injustice. As the general secretary of the CGT, Miguel Fadrique, commented in an article: September 27 is about defending the life of the Palestinian people and its future, but also, and above all, defending a world in which murder is not carried out with impunity nor is the life of some people valued more than that of others based on of what they have. We have a historic opportunity to begin a process that puts an end to this barbarism, to prefigure another more just world, and perhaps it will be the last one.”.

From the CGT we encourage the entire working class, all people with conscience and ethics, all groups and social organizations that believe that we must stop the criminal barbarity of Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies who, actively and passively, are condoning what what is happening to the mobilization. A strike is a legitimate exercise of denunciation that is not always easy to exercise. From our union you can count on the necessary legal support to exercise your right to strike, to protest and to denounce. It is time to make our denunciation visible, to demand breaking relations with a State like Israel, which condemns thousands of people to death and despair. Their complicity will not be with our silence.

Long live Free Palestine! Long live the general strike of September 27!



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