Can an experiment with artificial rain to stop smog be successful?

Smog Increasing air pollution has become a challenge for governments to control artificially rain Such measures are under consideration, but the question arises whether this experiment will be successful in Pakistan?

According to the data of the Department of Environment, Lahore on Friday once again reached the first place among the most polluted cities in the world. The city recorded an overall air quality index of 343 on Thursday and Friday night, reflecting an unprecedented rise in air pollution.

India’s capital New Delhi was declared the second most polluted city with an air quality index of 256, while Karachi ranked third with an air quality index of 179.

After Delhi Govt Punjab For the first time, the government has also ordered artificial rain in Lahore. Chief Minister Punjab has also directed to spray water on the roads.

But the question arises as to how the artificial rain which is also known as ‘cloud seeding’ can be implemented and this experiment which is already being successfully carried out in many countries of the world can be implemented here as well or not. ?

According to experts, 50 countries in the world have been benefiting from artificial rain for decades. But this experiment is being attempted for the first time in Pakistan and India. There are easy ways to make it rain that won’t cost much.

How feasible is the artificial rain experiment?

For the past several years in Punjab, many cities of central Punjab, including the provincial capital Lahore, have been experiencing smog from October to December. Due to which the air pollution is increasing to such an extent that Lahore is often ranked first among the most polluted cities in the world.

To control the smog, the environment department and other related organizations are continuing the traditional operations. But for the lack of reduction in air pollution, the Punjab government has decided to experiment with artificial rain for the first time.

Provincial Environment Minister Bilal Afzal told Independent Urdu that ‘artificial rain has been decided in the meeting on smog prevention under the chairmanship of Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi. We are going to experience artificial rainfall for the first time in the country’s history.

According to experts, 40% clouds are required for this. Therefore steps are being taken to experiment with artificial rain when the clouds enter Lahore on November 28 and 29. The Chief Minister will approve the experiment when the experts and relevant authorities give a final plan in this regard.

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In a statement last week, the Environment Minister of the Indian capital of Delhi, Gopal Roy, said that the authorities have been given instructions regarding artificial rain in Delhi. The project will cost around Rs 13 crore.

Gopal Roy said that a team of experts from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, a well-known engineering institution in India, had presented a detailed proposal regarding artificial rain. He said that IIT has already done experiments with artificial rain. But he did these experiments in the rainy season and it will be a new experiment for winter.’

Punjab Provincial Environment Minister Bilal Afzal met the Chinese Consul General in Lahore on Friday and requested to provide technical assistance related to smog remediation.

Apart from this, Justice Shahid Karim of Lahore High Court has also ordered the government to take strict measures in the case related to smog control. The Punjab government has also announced to keep educational institutions closed tomorrow and Saturday in central Punjab.

What is the method of artificial rain?

According to Dr. Manoor Saber, Head of Geography Department of Jamia Punjab, Lahore, two years ago, he and his students successfully experimented with small-scale artificial rain in the northern regions.

According to him, ‘what is called artificial rain is, in fact, real rain made by a specific experiment, but in the presence of clouds, there is a human effort to make it rain before the natural time.’

Manwar Saber told Independent Urdu that ‘artificial rain is done through cloud seeding technique.

“For this, sodium chloride, silver iodide and other chemicals are sprayed from a height of 2,000 to 4,000 feet above the available clouds, which form ice crystals in the clouds and make the clouds heavy, after which It starts to rain.’

Apart from this, rain is possible if the clouds are hit by adding chemicals to the launchers from below. He was also invited to the meeting presided over by Chief Minister Punjab. On this occasion, it was agreed that the aircraft with the Punjab government, including the water tank, could be flown from the old airport. which will also reduce costs.’

According to Manoor Saber, ‘many experts have given their suggestions, which are being implemented as a strategy. But this experiment can be successful with the seriousness of the government and help to eradicate smog every time.’

He said that ‘cloud seeding programs are running in more than 50 countries of the world. Countries like America, China, Thailand, United Arab Emirates are also using it to combat drought.

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2024-09-29 15:58:23



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